Scanner On-Glass Antenna Kit  
(200-0011)                 Installation               Faxback Doc. # 17324

CAUTION:  Do not remove the paper backing from the coupler box or antenna
          foot until the instructions specifically say to do so.  Once you
          attach either part to the glass, it is very difficult to remove
          without damaging the unit.

Choosing A Mounting Location

1.  Select a location for the antenna foot and coupler box (such as the
    top center of the rear window) that:

      Does not block the driver's view.

      Does not interfere with windshield wiper operation.

      Is not coated with a metal film-type sunscreen.

      Is clear of other antennas.

      Is not within 1-1/2 inch of the edge of the glass, a defroster

      element, or metal trim.

    Notes: If your windshield has a factory-tinted border, you can mount
           the antenna over this border.  However, if the window tinting
           is a plastic film applied to the glass, you must cut a hole in
           the film and mount the antenna foot directly to the glass.

           Some windshields contain metallic sun screening that can
           greatly reduce the antenna's performance.  If you are not sure
           whether a material installed in the windshield or applied to it
           contains metal, consult your vehicle's dealer.

2.  Position the antenna and coupler box at the desired location to
    confirm that neither will interfere with your vehicle's normal

3.  Use the supplied alcohol wipe to clean the inner and outer surface of
    the glass at the mounting location. Allow the glass to dry completely
    before continuing.

4.  Remove the paper backing from the coupler box and carefully position
    it over the mounting location. Then firmly press it into place for 5

5.  Remove the paper backing from the antenna base and carefully position
    it at the mounting location opposite the coupler box, with the bolt to
    the right.  Then firmly press it into place and hold it for 5 seconds.

6.  Screw the supplied cable's connector onto the coupler box.

7.  Route the cable to your CB transceiver and connect it according to the
    transceiver's instructions.

8.  Loosen the antenna base's bolt and position the antenna so it is
    straight up and down, then tighten the bolt.

9.  Route the coaxial cable so it does not interfere with passengers or
    operation of the vehicle.

10. Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to the antenna terminal on
    the scanner.

(EB - Rev. 02/23/01)

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