PRO-26 Portable 200-Channel Radio
(200-0506)                 Special Features           Faxback Doc.# 17716


Many agencies use a two-way radio system that might have a period of 2 or
more seconds between a query and a reply. To keep from missing a reply on a
specific channel, you can program a 2- or 4-second delay.

Follow these steps to switch between the 2- or 4- second delay time and
then program a channel with that delay time.

1.  Turn off the scanner.

2.  Press and hold DELAY, Then turn on the scanner. 2 SEC or 4 SEC appears
    on the display for 3 seconds.

3.  To program a delay on a specific channel, select the channel, then 
    press DELAY so DLY appears on the display.


You can scan through the programmed channels and still not miss an
important or interesting call on a specific channel which you designate as
the priority channel.

To program a stored channel as the priority channel, press PROG, the
desired channel number, then H/S/PRIORITY. P appears beside the channel

NOTE:  You can only select one channel at a time as the priority channel.

To turn on the priority feature, press H/S/PRIORITY during scanning. PRI 
appears on the display. The scanner checks the priority channel every 2 
seconds, and stays on the channel if there is activity. P appears on the 
display whenever the scanner is set to the priority channel.

To turn off the priority feature, press H/S/PRIORITY until PRI disappears
from the display.


You can turn on the display's backlight for easy viewing in the dark. Press
KEYLOCK to turn on the display light for 15 seconds. To turn off the light
sooner, press KEYLOCK again.

NOTE:  Do not hold down KEYLOCK for longer than about 1 second. Doing so
       locks the keypad.


To reduce interference or noise caused by signals from a strong local 
broadcast, you can reduce the scanner's sensitivity by turning on the  
attenuator. This feature is especially useful in the WFM mode.

You can program the attenuator on each channel or use this function during
a limit or direct search.

1.  Press SHIFT. SFT appears on the display.

2.  Press ATT until ATT appears on the display.

To turn off this function, press SHIFT then press ATT until ATT disappears. 


You can set the scanner so it scans from the channel with the lowest
frequency to the channel with the highest frequency instead of from the 
lowest channel to the highest channel. The scanner scans faster when auto 
sorting is turned on.

Follow these steps to turn on auto sorting.

1.  Turn off the scanner.

2.  Press and hold AUTO, then turn on the scanner. ON SORT appears on the
    display for 3 seconds. During scanning AUTO appears on the display.

To turn off auto sorting, repeat Steps 1-2. OFF SORT appears on the display
for 3 seconds.


You can set the scanner so it skips nonmodulated or data signals (such as
preamble signals for pagers or control frequencies for trunked systems)
during a limit or direct search.

NOTE:  This feature does not work in the AM mode.

Follow these steps to skip the data signals.

1.  Press SHIFT. SFT appears on the display.

2.  PRESS DATA until DATA appears on the display.

To turn off this feature, press SHIFT then press DATA until DATA


To turn off the key tone beep, follow these steps.

1.  Turn off the scanner.

2.  Press and hold KEYLOCK and turn on the scanner. OFF bEEP appears.

To turn on the beep, repeat Steps 1-2. On bEEP appears.


The scanner automatically selects the frequency step for each frequency 
range. However, you can manually change the frequency step while the
scanner is searching for frequencies.

1.  Press SHIFT. SFT appears on the display.

2.  Press STEP until the desired frequency step appears (5 kHz, 12.5 kHz,
    or 25 kHz).


Your scanner receives amplitude modulated (AM), narrow-band frequency
modulated (NFM), or wide-band FM (WFM) transmissions. It selects the mode 
most commonly used in each frequency range. However, you can manually
change the mode while the scanner is searching for frequencies. The
selected mode flashes if it is not the default.

Follow these Steps to change the modulation mode.

1.  Press SHIFT. SFT appears on the display.

2.  Press MODE until the desired modulation mode (AM, NFM, or WFM) flashes
    in the display.

To return to the default modulation mode, press MODE until the mode no
longer flashes.


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