PRO-2040 100-Channel Programmable Home Scanner
(200-0414)                 Features                   Faxback Doc. # 17764

The Radio Shack PRO-2040 100-Channel Programmable Home Scanner lets its
owner in on all the action!  This scanner gives direct access to over
31,000 exciting frequencies that include police and fire departments,
ambulance and transportation services, and amateur radio.    Up to 100
scanned channels can be selected, and selections can be changed at any

The secret to this scanner's ability to scan so many frequencies is its
custom-designed microprocessor--a tiny, built-in computer.

The scanner also has these features:

             Hyperscan - Scans 50 channels per second.

           Hypersearch - Searches through frequencies at 300 steps per
                         second in bands that have 5kHz steps to help find
                         interesting broadcasts.

Ten 10-Channel Storage - Stores 10 channels in each of 10 banks to group
Banks                    frequencies for easy call identification.

             Data Skip - Skips data signals (non-modulated signals such as
                         preamble signals for pagers) during a limit or a
                         direct search.

      Priority Channel - Checks a specified channel every 2 seconds so
                         important calls are not missed.

      Monitor Memories - Stores up to 10 frequencies located during a
                         frequency search which can then be transferred
                         into channels.

       Search Function - Searches for new and unlisted frequencies using a
                         designated frequency range (limit search) or
                         starting from a specified frequency (direct

Selectable Scan/Search - Allows normal or hyper scan speed selection, and
Speeds                   normal, high, or hyper search speeds.

Manual or Scan Channel - Allows user to manually specify a single channel
Select                   or to set the scanner to automatically scan all
                         the stored channels.

           Search Skip - Selects ups to 50 frequencies for the scanner to
                         skip during a limit or direct search, so unwanted 
                         frequencies can be avoided.

 Two-Second Scan Delay - Delays scanning for 2 seconds before moving to
                         another channel, so more replies are heard.

      Weather Band Key - Scans the preprogrammed weather frequencies to
                         keep informed about the most current weather

         Memory Backup - Keeps the channel frequencies stored in the
                         scanner's memory for up to 3 days during a power

       Squelch Control - Adjusts the receiver's sensitivity low enough to
                         receive weak signals or high enough to eliminate
                         receiver noise when not receiving a signal.

     Lock-Out Function - Prevents selected channels from being scanned.

   Backlit LCD Display - Lets user easily see the indicators on the
                         scanner's display, even at night.

     Audio Output Jack - Allows connection of an earphone or headphones for
                         private listening, or an external speaker for
                         listening in a remote or noisy area.

      Optional Antenna - Let user connect the supplied telescoping antenna
      Terminals          to the screw-in terminal, or an external antenna
                         to the BNC connector.

Optional Power Sources - Lets user power the scanner using the supplied AC
                         adapter or an optional DC adapter.

WARNING:  To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose this system to
          rain or moisture.

The PRO-2040 can receive these bands:

Band                  Modulation   Frequency Range     Frequency Step
10-Meter Ham Band         FM       29.00 - 29.7 Mhz    5.0 kHz
VHF-Lo                    FM       29.7 - 50.00 MHz    5.0 kHz
6-Meter Ham Band          FM       50.00 - 54.00 MHz   5.0 kHz
Aircraft                  AM       108 - 136.975 MHz   12.5 kHz
Government/Ham            FM       137 - 148 MHz       5.0 kHz
VHF-Hi                    FM       148 - 174 MHz       5.0 kHz
Ham/Government            FM       406 - 450 MHz       12.5 kHz
UHF-Lo                    FM       450 - 470 MHz       12.5 kHz
UHF-T (TV)                FM       470 - 512 MHz       12.5 kHz
UHF                       FM       806 - 956 MHz       12.5 kHz


This scanner might cause radio or TV interference even when it is operating
properly.  To determine if a scanner is causing the interference, turn the
unit off.  If the interference goes away, the scanner was causing it.  Try
to eliminate the interference by:

    moving the scanner away from the receiver

    connecting the scanner to an outlet that is on a different 
    electrical circuit from the receiver

    contact a local Radio Shack store for help.

If an individual cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that
the use of the scanner cease.

NOTE:  Mobile use of this scanner is unlawful or requires a permit in
       some areas.  Check laws in the area before using the PRO-2040 on the

This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.  Operation is subject
to the following two conditions:

    This device may not cause harmful interference.

    This device must accept any interference received, including
    interference that may cause undesired operation.


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