PRO-2040 100-Channel Programmable Home Scanner
(200-0414)                 Preparation                Faxback Doc. # 17765


Using Standard AC Power

It is possible to power the scanner from a standard AC outlet using the
supplies AC adapter.

WARNING:  Do not use the AC adapter's polarized plug with an extension cord
          receptacle unless the blades can be fully inserted to prevent
          blade exposure.

CAUTIONS:  The supplied AC adapter supplies 12 volts and delivers 500
           milliamps.  Its center tip is set to positive, and its plug
           properly fits the scanner's DC 12V jack.  Using an AC adapter
           that does not meet these specifications could damage the scanner
           or the adapter.  The scanner's display dims and the scanner
           sounds a tone every 15 - 30 seconds if the AC adapter used does
           not provide the required 12 volts DC.

           Be sure to connect the AC adapter to the scanner before
           connecting it to a standard AC outlet.  Then disconnect the
           adapter from the AC outlet before disconnecting it from the

           If there is difficulty inserting the AC adapter's polarized
           plug, do not force it.  Turn it over and reinsert it.

1.  Insert the supplied AC adapter's barrel plug into the scanner's DC
    12V jack.

2.  Plug the adapter's power module into a standard AC outlet.

Memory Backup

If a power failure occurs or if the power cord is disconnected, the
scanner's memory backup circuit keeps information in memory for up to 3

NOTE:  The memory backup circuit begins to protect the contents in 
       memory within a few minutes after the scanner is plugged in.

Using Vehicle Battery Power 

To power the scanner from a vehicle's battery power, a DC adapter (such as
a Radio Shack Cat.No.270-1562) is required.

CAUTIONS:  The vehicle must have a 12-volt DC, negative-ground electrical

           The recommended DC adapter supplies 12 volts and delivers at
           least 500 milliamps.  Its center tip must be set to positive,
           and its plug properly fits the scanner's DC 12V jack.  Using a
           DC adapter that does not meet these specifications could damage
           the scanner or the adapter.  The scanner's display dims and the
           scanner sounds a tone every 15 -30 seconds if the DC adapter 
           used does not provide the required 12 volts DC.

           Be sure to connect the DC adapter to the scanner before
           connecting it to the vehicle's cigarette-lighter plug.  Then
           disconnect the adapter from the vehicle's cigarette-lighter plug
           before disconnecting it from the scanner.

Follow these steps to use vehicle battery power:

1.  Set the adapter's voltage switch to 12V.

2.  Connect the Adaptaplug's blue barrel, right-angle plug to the adapter's
    cable with the tip set to + (positive).

3.  Insert the barrel plug into the scanner's DC 12V jack.

4.  Plug the other end of the adapter into the vehicle's cigarette-lighter

NOTE:  If the scanner does not operate properly when using a DC adapter,
       unplug the adapter from the lighter socket and clean the socket to
       remove ashes and other debris.


Either the supplied telescoping antenna or an optional antenna can be 

Telescoping Antenna

To attach the telescoping antenna, simply screw it into the hole on top of
the scanner.

The antenna's length controls its sensitivity.  Adjust the length of the
telescoping antenna as follows for best reception.

29 - 54 MHz       Extend all 3 segments
108 - 174 MHz     Extend only 2 segments
406 - 956 MHz     Collapse Fully (only 1 segment extended)

Optional Outdoor Antenna

The supplied antenna is usually adequate for strong, local signals. 
However, for the best results in receiving weaker, more distant signals on
all bands, attach an optional outdoor antenna (not supplied), such as a
mobile, telescoping, multi-band, or outdoor base antenna.

WARNING:  When installing or removing an outdoor antenna, follow all
          cautions and warnings included with the antenna.

NOTES:  This scanner uses a BNC antenna connector.  If the coaxial cable's
        connector does not fit the ANT jack, an adapter might also be
        needed.  Local Radio Shack stores sell a complete line of outdoor
        antennas, adapters, BNC connectors, and mounting hardware.

        Always use 50-Ohm coaxial cable to connect an outdoor antenna.  For
        lengths under 50 feet, use RG58 (Cat.No. 278-1314) or RG8/M
        (Cat.No.278-1313).  For lengths over 50 feet, use RG-8, low-loss
        coaxial cable (Cat.No.278-1312).

For the best performance, consider the following when deciding on an
outdoor base antenna and its location:

    The location of the external antenna should be as high as possible.

    The external antenna and antenna cable should be as far away as
    possible from sources of electrical noise (appliances, other radios,
    and so on).

    The external antenna should be vertical.

Mount the antenna following the instructions supplied with the antenna and
its mounting hardware, then follow these steps to connect an external

1.  Route the antenna cable to the scanner and connect it to the ANT jack
    on the back of the scanner.

    CAUTION:  Do not route the cable over sharp edges or moving objects.

2.  Remove the supplied antenna from the top of the scanner.


If the scanner's display locks up after connecting a power source, follow
these steps to reset it.

1.  If the scanner is off, press POWER to turn it on.

2.  Using a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip, press RESET
    on the back of the scanner.  The display resets, and the scanner turns

3.  Press POWER to turn on the scanner again.


If the scanner or its display does not work properly even after resetting
it, follow these steps to initialize the scanner.

CAUTION:  Initializing the scanner clears all the channels stored in
          memory.  Initialize the scanner only when it is certain the unit
          is not working properly.

1.  If the scanner is off, press POWER to turn it on.

2.  Press and hold ./CLEAR, then press RESET on the back of the scanner
    using a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip.  The display
    resets, and the scanner turns off.

3.  Press POWER to turn on the scanner.


The 1/8-inch EXT SP jack on the back of the scanner provides for connection
of an earphone, headphones, or an external speaker.

    For private listening, connect an earphone (Cat.No.33-175).

    For more comfortable private listening, connect monaural headphones

    For listening from a remote area or in a noisy area, connect an
    extension speaker (Cat.No.21-549).

NOTE:  Connecting any external device to the EXT SP jack automatically
       disconnects the internal speaker.

Listening Safely

To protect hearing, follow these guidelines when using an earphone or

    Do not listen at extremely high volume levels.  Extended high-volume
    listening can lead to permanent hearing loss.

    Set the volume to the lowest setting before beginning to listen.

    After listening is begun, adjust the volume to a comfortable level.

    Once the volume is set, do not increase it.  Over time, human ears
    adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause
    discomfort might still damage a user's hearing.

Traffic Safety

Do not wear an earphone or headphones while operating a motor vehicle or
riding a bicycle.  This can create a traffic hazard and is illegal in some

Even though some earphones are designed to let outside sounds in when
listening at normal volume levels, they still present a traffic hazard.



This look at the scanner's front panel will help explain each control's

Control              Function

POWER                Turns the scanner on and off.

1 - 0                Each single-digit number on the keys enters the
                     numbers for a channel or a frequency, or each range of
                     numbers above the number keys indicates the channels
                     that make up a channel-storage bank.  See
                     "Understanding Channel-Storage Banks".

./CLEAR              Enters the decimal point in a frequency, or clears an
                     incorrect entry and is used when you initialize the

ENTER                Enters programmed frequencies into channels.

VOLUME MIN/MAX       Sets the scanner's volume.

SQUELCH              Adjusts the scanner's receiver sensitivity to help
                     eliminate background noise.

SCAN                 Starts scanning through the stored channels.

MANUAL               Stops scanning and allows a channel number to be
                     manually entered.

L/O/SEARCH SKIP      Turns the selected channel's lockout function on and
                     off, or skips a specified frequency during a limit or
                     direct search.

PRI/HYPER SEARCH     Sets and turns on and off the priority function for a
                     particular channel, or selects the hyper search speed.

LIMIT                Used to set the lower or upper limit during frequency

DLY                  Programs a 2-second delay for the selected channel.

MON                  Stores frequencies into and accessories the 10 
                     monitor memories.

SPEED                Changes the scanning or search speed.  See "Scanning
                     and Search Speeds".

UP/DOWN TRIANGLE     Enters the up or down direction in the search mode.

PGM                  Programs frequencies into channels.

WX                   Scans through the seven preprogrammed weather

DATA                 Turns the data skip feature on and off.


The display has sever indicators that show the scanner's current
operating mode.

Indicator            Function

MON                  Appears when listening to a monitor memory.

BANK                 Appears with numbers (1 - 10) to the right to show
                     which channel-storage banks are turned on for the scan
                     mode.  See "Understanding Channel-Storage Banks".

SCAN                 Appears when scanning channels.  Blinks when the
                     scanner is in the hyperscan mode.

MANUAL               Appears when a channel is manually selected.

PROGRAM              Appears while programming frequencies into the
                     scanner's channels.

CH                   Digits that precede this indicator show which channel
                     the scanner is currently tuned to.

MHz                  Digits that precede this indicator show which of the
                     31,000 possible frequencies the scanner is tuned to.

P                    Appears when listening to the priority channel.

PRIORITY             Appears when the priority channel feature is turned

LOCKOUT              Appears when manually selecting a locked channel, or
                     during a search hold when the frequency is stored in
                     search skip memory.

DATA                 Appears while the data skip function is turned on.

DELAY                Appears when programming a channel for a two-second
                     delay before scanning or when listening to a channel
                     programmed with the delay feature.

WX                   Appears when the scanner is in the weather band mode.

UP/DOWN TRIANGLE     Indicates the search direction.  Blinks in high speed
                     search mode.

SEARCH               Appears during a limit (-L- also appears) or direct
                     search (-d- also appears) or weather scan.  Blinks in
                     hyper search mode.

Error                Appears when an incorrect keyboard entry is made.

Lo                   Appears when programming the low limit for a 
                     frequency search.

Hi                   Appears when programming the high limit for a
                     frequency search.

-h-                  Appears during a direct search hold.


Up to 110 frequencies can be stored in the scanner's memory.  Each
frequency is stored into either a memory called a channel, or a temporary
memory called a monitor.  This scanner has 100 channel memories and 10
monitor memories.

Channel-Storage Banks

To make it easier to identify and select the channels a user wants to
listen to, channels are divided into 10 channel-storage banks of 10
channel search.  Use each channel-storage bank to group frequencies, such
as the police department, fire department, ambulance services, or aircraft.

For example, the police department might use four frequencies, one for each
side of town.  Police frequencies could be programmed starting with Channel
1 (the first channel in Bank 1) and the fire department could be programmed
starting with Channel 11 (the first channel in Bank 2).

Monitor Memories

The scanner has 10 monitor memories.  These memories can be used to 
temporarily store frequencies while deciding whether or not to store them
into channels.  This is handy for quickly storing an active frequency when
searching through an entire band.  These memories can be manually selected,
but they cannot be scanned.  See "Searching For and Temporarily Storing
Active Frequencies".

When in the monitor mode, one of the memory numbers (1 - 10) appears to the
right of the MON indicator.  The number indicates the current monitor


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