PRO-2002 AM/FM Scanning Receiver
(200-0116) Operation Faxback Doc. # 18981
You turn on your PRO-2002 by rotating VOLUME clockwise. (when first turned
on, your PRO-2002 may start scanning.)
Rotate SQUELCH fully counterclockwise. You'll hear a rushing noise from
the Speaker. Slowly rotate SQUELCH clockwise until the noise just stops.
You're now ready to start entering frequencies!
Understanding the Display
The fluorescent Display on your PRO-2002 can display the time, channel
number, the frequency being received and special symbols to indicate
different functions. Here's brief rundown on what those symbols mean when
receiving stations (we'll cover the Clock symbols later...):
_ _ _ . _ _ _ _......................Frequency
P. ..............................Priority mode
_ _ .........................Channel indicator
M..................................manual mode
-.................................Program mode
<-.................................Search mode
L.....................................Lock out
Bank Indicators
1 2 3 4 5 ........Channel Banks
v v v v v
S1 S1 S3 S4 S5.........Search Banks
About Those Banks...
You might be wondering what the "bank indicators" on the Fluorescent
Display stand for. When you hear the word "bank" you think of a place
where money is kept... in your PRO-2002 "banks" are where frequencies are
The fifty channels of your PRO-2002 are stored in five Banks of ten
channels each. They're stored in the following way:
Bank Channels
1 1-10
2 11-20
3 21-30
4 31-404
5 41-50
You can have your PRO-2002 scan any or all of the five Banks. If you want
a bank to be scanned, just press the Key for that Bank. If you don't want
that bank to be scanned, just press the Key again.
Let's take an example. Suppose you only want to monitor channels 1 through
10 and 21 through 30. Press the Keys for Banks 1 and 3. You'll see the
Bank Indicators light up on the Display as shown in the illustration. Your
PRO-2002 will now scan channels 1 to 10 and 21 to 30. If you want to
change the channels scanned, just press the Keys for Banks 1 and 3 (to turn
them "off") and press the Keys for the new ranges you want to scan.
You'll also use these Banks to store a range for the Search function. You
can store one Search range in each Bank (for a total of five Search
ranges). We'll talk about these later when we describe the Search function
in detail.
Programming Frequencies
Before programming frequencies, make sure you PRO-2002 is turned on and the
SQUELCH is adjusted as we described earlier.
Suppose you want to program channel 1 to receive 162.55 MHz. Here's how
you would do it:
1. Press MANUAL and select channel 1. You can do this in two ways: press
MANUAL continuously until the Display indicates channel 1 or by
pressing 1 MANUAL.
2. Press PROGRAM key.
3. Press the 1 6 2 */AM 5 5 Keys. Check the Display to make sure the
frequency it shows is the one you meant to program. If it is, press
the ENTER Key.
4. To add more frequencies, just press PROGRAM to advance to the next
channel and follow the steps above.
5. If you ever want to change the frequency entered for a specific
channel, just enter the new frequency "over" the old frequency using
steps 1, 2 and 3.
Make a mistake while entering a frequency? Just press CLEAR, enter the
correct frequency and press ENTER. If you're entering a new frequency in
place of an old one, the old frequency won't be "erased" when you press
CLEAR. It will remain stored on that channel until you correctly enter a
new frequency and press ENTER.
You'll hear a "peep" sound as you press the various keys. This lets you
know the Key has been properly "entered" into your PRO-2002.
Using the Scanning Function
Your PRO-2002 will automatically scan all the channels you've programmed
and stop whenever it finds a signal. To scan channels, just press the
Important! Your PRO-2002 won't scan unless SQUELCH is set to the point
where no sound is heard if a signal isn't being received.
You can select which of the five Banks your PRO-2002 will scan by pressing
the appropriate Bank Keys as we mentioned earlier. You can scan any
combination of Banks from just one to all five. You can't "turn off" all
the Banks; if you try to do so, Bank 1 will automatically "turn on" and
your PRO-2002 will scan channels 1 through 10. To stop scanning, just
press MANUAL and you can select specific channels you want to listen to.
Delay Function
When your PRO-2002 is scanning, it will stop whenever it finds a signal on
a channel. As soon as the signal ends, the scanning function will resume.
Most communications heard will be two-way. To make sure you don't miss
any replies, press DELAY. This will cause your PRO-2002 to stay on a
channel for three seconds after the end of a transmission, giving you time
to hear any reply. To release the Delay function, just press DELAY again.
The Delay indicator will show on the Display when the Delay function is
Lockout Function
You may want your PRO-2002 to "skip over" certain frequencies while it's
scanning (such as continuously transmitted weather broadcasts). To "lock
out" such channels, follow these steps:
1. Press MANUAL to stop scanning. Continue to press MANUAL to advance to
channel you want to lock out.
2. When you reach the channel, press LOCK OUT. The Display will show L
to indicate that this channel will be skipped over during scanning.
3. To release the lockout, press MANUAL to stop scanning. Advance to
channel that is locked out and press LOCK OUT once again. L will
disappear from the Display.
If you use the lockout function on all channels, scanning will be
impossible-you'll only be able to change channels using MANUAL.
SPEED Selection
Your PRO-2002 will normally scan channels at a rate of three channels per
second. If you press SPEED channels will be scanned at a rate of six per
second. Press SPEED again to return to a rate of three channels per
Priority Function
You might want to scan other channels yet not miss a call on a channel of
particular interest to you (police, fire, ambulance, etc.). The Priority
function will let you scan other channels-but if a call is received on the
priority channel, your PRO-2002 will automatically switch to the Priority
channel! Here's how to use the Priority function:
1. Press MANUAL Key.
2. Key in the desired Priority channel. Suppose you want 15 to be the
Priority channel. Press 1 5 and PRIORITY. The Display will
momentarily show channel 15 and then return to the channel your PRO-
2002 was on before you pressed MANUAL. This indicates that channel 15
has been correctly entered as the Priority channel. The Display will
also have the Priority channel indicator showing.
3. To stop the Priority function, press PRIORITY again. Now your PRO-2002
won't switch to the Priority channel whenever a signal is received on
it. To re-activate Priority, just press PRIORITY Key.
4. To change Priority channel, press PRIORITY to stop the Priority
function. Enter new Priority channel as described in step 2.
NOTE: You can't manually change channels while the Priority function is
activated. You'll have to press PRIORITY before pressing MANUAL.
Your PRO-2002 also has a built-in-Clock which can be read from the Display.
To set the Clock, do the following:
1. Turn on your PRO-2002 by rotating VOLUME clockwise.
2. Press MANUAL and then CLOCK.
3. Enter the current time. Suppose it is 35 seconds after 10;55 am.
Press */AM 1 0 5 5 3 5. Display will now look like this:
A 10.55.35
4. Now press ENTER.
5. To once again see the frequency on Display, press CLOCK.
You can check the time while monitoring simply by pressing CLOCK. The time
will replace the frequency, but the channel and special symbols will still
be seen, as in this example:
With your PRO-2002 OFF, the time will still be shown on the Display. If
you don't want the time shown, press CLOCK to turn it off.
So long as the 9 volts Battery for memory backup is connected, the time
will be kept for 5 - 10 seconds even when a power-failure takes place.
If the power failed more than 5 - 10 seconds, the display flashes "E
00.00.00.". indicating you have to reset clock.
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