PRO-46  (200-0305)           Troubleshooting           Faxback Doc. # 3592

If you have problems, here are some suggestions which might help.

|      PROBLEM          |     POSSIBLE CAUSE    |            REMEDY      |
| Scanner is totally    |  No power.            |  Check to see that you |
| inoperative.          |                       |  plugged the scanner   |
|                       |                       |  into a working AC     |
|                       |                       |  outlet.               |
| Scanner is on but     |  The SQUELCH control  |  Adjust the SQUELCH    |
| will not scan.        |  is not correctly     |  control clockwise.    |
|                       |  adjusted.            |                        |
| In the scan mode, the |  "Birdies"            |  Avoid programming     |
| scanner locks on      |                       |  frequencies listed in |
| frequencies that have |                       |  "A General Guide To   |
| an unclear trans-     |                       |  Scanning," or only    |
| mission.              |                       |  listen to them        |
|                       |                       |  manually.             |

If none of these suggested remedies solves the problem, contact your local
Radio Shack store for assistance.


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