PRO-27 20-Channel Programmable Scanner
(200-0507)                 Guide to Scanning          Faxback Doc. # 31202

Reception of the frequencies covered by your scanner is mainly "line-of-
sight."  This means you usually cannot hear stations that are beyond the

During the summer months, you might be able to hear stations in the 30-50
MHz range located several hundred or even thousands of miles away.  This
is because of summer atmospheric conditions.  This type of reception is
unpredictable but often very interesting!


National Weather Frequencies

    *161.650 MHz    *162.440 MHz    162.525 MHz
    *161.775 MHz     162.450 MHz    162.550 MHz
     162.400 MHz     162.475 MHz   *163.275 MHz
     162.425 MHz     162.500 MHz

* Not programmed.


United States Broadcast Bands

In the United States, there are several broadcast bands.  The standard AM
and FM bands are probably the most well known.  There are also four
television audio broadcast bands - the lower three transmit on the VHF
band and the fourth transmits on the UHF band.

Typical Band Usage

VHF Band (30.0-300.0 MHz)

    Low Range..............................................30.00-50.00 MHz
    6-Meter Amateur.........................................50.00-5400 MHz
    U.S. Government...................................137.00 - 144.000 MHz
    2-Meter Amateur...................................144.00 - 148.000 MHz
    High Range........................................148.00 - 174.000 MHz

UHF Band (300.00 MHz - 3.0 GHz)

    U.S. Government...................................406.00 - 420.000 MHz
    70 cm Amateur.....................................420.00 - 450.000 MHz
    Low Range.........................................450.00 - 470.000 MHz
    FM-TV Audio Broadcast, Wide Band..................470.00 - 512.000 MHz

Primary Usage

As a general rule, most of the radio activity is concentrated on the
following frequencies:

    VHF Band Activities........................................Frequencies
    Government, Police, and Fire.....................153.785 - 155.980 MHz
    Emergency Services...............................158.730 - 159.460 MHz
    Railroad.........................................160.000 - 161.900 MHz
UHF Band Activities                                            Frequencies
    Land-Mobile Paired Frequencies...................450.000 - 470.000 MHz
    Base Station.....................................451.025 - 454.950 MHz
    Mobile Units.....................................456.025 - 459.950 MHz
    Relay/Repeater Units.............................460.025 - 464.975 MHz
    Remote/Control Stations..........................465.025 - 469.975 MHz

    NOTE:  Base stations and repeater units operate at 5 MHz lower than
           their associated mobile units and control stations.

Specified Intervals

Frequencies in different bands are accessible only at specific intervals.

For example:

    Band Type                                           Specified Interval
    VHF (Lo and Hi), HAM,............................5.0 or 50.0 kHz steps
    and Government...........................................5.0 kHz steps
    All Others....................................................12.5 kHz
    Aircraft................................................25.0 kHz steps
    FM Broadcast............................................50.0 kHz steps

(SP 3/12/96)

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