PRO-2045 200-Channel Weather Alert Home Scanner
(200-0418)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 33688

If you have problems, here are some suggestions that might help.  If none
of these suggestions help, take your scanner to your local Radio Shack
store for assistance.

PROBLEM                   POSSIBLE CAUSE       REMEDY

Scanner totally           No power.            Make sure you plugged the
inoperative.                                   scanner into a working AC
                                               or DC outlet.

Scanner is on but         SQUELCH is not       Adjust SQUELCH clockwise.
will not scan.            correctly adjusted.

                          A channel has been   Press SCAN.
                          manually selected.

While scanning, the       "Birdies."           Avoid programming frequencies
scanner locks on freq-                         listed under "Birdie Freq-
uencies that have an                           uencies" on Faxback Doc. #
unclear transmission.                          33686 or only listen to them

Rotary tuner does not     Rotary lock is       Press LOCK until
work.                     turned on.           FREQ or CHAN appears
                                               on the display.

(BR/EB 6/20/96)

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