Telescoping Antenna for Portable Scanners and Walkie Talkies
(200-006A) Transmitting Faxback Doc. # 37206
Using the Antenna For transmitting
For transmitting, you must set the antenna length as close as possible to
the transmitting frequency's 1/4 wavelength. This ensures the best possible
transmission by using the proper standing wave ratio (SWR).
CAUTIONS: When you use the antenna to transmit, you must always collapse
the section located just above the loading coil. If you do not,
you might damage the antenna and / or your radio.
When you use the antenna to transmit, you must calculate the 1/4
wavelength and adjust the antenna length accordingly. If you do
not do this you can damage your transmitting equipment due to an
improper standing wave ratio (SWR).
Use this formula to calculate the proper length for a 1/4 wavelength trans-mitting antenna:
2834 / Freq. in MHz = Antenna Length in Inches.
Example: 2834 / 147 (MHz) = 19.3 Inches
(AV/EB 12/18/96)
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