PRO-24 Pocket Scanner
(200-0105)                 Specifications             Faxback Doc. # 37375

Channels of Operation: ...... Four - as determined by any one of 4 crystals
                                          operating in the frequency range.

Frequency Range: ............................ 30 to 50 MHz, 144 to 174 MHz,
                                             450 to 470 MHz, 470 to 512 MHz

Frequency Coverage: ................ VHF Lo - 6 MHz for maximum sensitivity
                                                         (40 MHz +/- 3 MHz)

                                     VHF Hi - 8 MHz for maximum sensitivity
                                                        (153 MHz +/- 4 MHz)

                                       UHF - 30 MHz for maximum sensitivity
                                                       (480 MHz +/- 15 MHz)

Sensitivity: ......................... Better than 1 uV for (S+N)/N = 20 dB

Selectivity: .............................................. -6 dB +/- 9 kHz
                                                          -50 dB +/- 15 kHz

Modulation Acceptance: .......................................... +/- 7 kHz

I.F.: ................................................ 10.7 MHz and 455 kHz

Filters: ............... 10.7 MHz Crystal Filter and 455 kHz Ceramic Filter

Squelch Sensitivity: ......................... Variable from less than 1 uV

Scanning Speed: ......................................... 6 Channels/Second

Delay Time: ................................................ 1 to 3 Seconds

Audio Power: ....................................................... 150 mW

Power Requirements: ......................... +6V DC, Four AA batteries, or
                                  a suitable adapter (negative ground only)

Current Drain: .......................................... 25 mA (Squelched)
                                           100 mA (full volume unsquelched)

Semiconductor Complement: ........................... 3 Integrated Circuits
                                                     11 Silicon Transistors
                                                                  13 Diodes
                                             4 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

Speaker: ................ 2" (5 cm), 16-Ohm, Permanent Magnet, dynamic type

Antennas: .................................... Telescopic and Flexible Type

Antenna Thread Size: ....................... 5/16 Inch, 32 threads per Inch

Crystal Requirements: ........................ Standard HC-25/U 3rd Overtone

(EB 1/10/97)

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