PRO-2037 Programmable Scanner
(200-0461)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 37891

Your PRO-2037 Programmable Scanner should require very little maintenance.
If you have problems, refer to this chart for possible solutions.

Problem       Probable Cause                       Solution

Scanner is totally    The AC plug is not      Check to see that the
inoperative.          properly connected.     scanner is plugged into
                                              a working AC outlet.

                      The optional DC power   Check to be sure the
                      adapter is not          adapter is fully inserted
                      properly connected.     into the DC 13.8V jack.

Poor or no            Improperly connected    Check to be sure the
reception.            antenna.                antenna is properly

                      Poor reception.         Move the scanner to a
                                              location with a better
                                              reception environment.

                      Incorrectly programmed  Reprogram the frequencies
                      frequencies             correctly.

                      Programmed frequencies  Avoid programming
                                              frequencies listed under
                                              "Birdies Frequencies" in "Operation,"
                                              Faxback Doc. # 31133, or
                                              only listen to them

Error appears on      Programming error.      Reprogram the frequencies
the display.                                  correctly.

Keys do not work      Undetermined error.     Reset the scanner
or display changes                            
at random.                                    

Scanner is on but     The SQUELCH control is  Adjust the SQUELCH control
will not scan.        not correctly           clockwise 

In the scan mode,     The SQUELCH control     Adjust the SQUELCH
the scanner locks     is not correctly        control clockwise.
on frequencies that   adjusted.
have an unclear

If you cannot solve the problem, contact your local Radio Shack store for


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