Pro-26 Pocket Scanner, FM Monitor/Scanner
(200-0107) Accessories Faxback Doc. # 37925
Your PRO-26 can be powered from any source of 6 volts DC, negative ground,
by connecting the external power source to the PWR jack. Using an AC adapter
will save on batteries; so, if you intend to use the PRO-26 in a location
where 120 volts is readily available, and it does not need to be moved
around, consider an adapter. Radio Shack has two power adapters which you
might be interested in.
Catalog Number 273-1662 is an adapter for 120 volts AC, specifically
designed for Radio Shack's Pocket Scanners. It provides 6 volts DC and can
be used either as a charger or an AC adapter.
Catalog Number 270-1560 power adapter provides 6-volts DC, 300 mA with the
tip set for Negative (set at negative and 6 volts setting), when plugged
into a cigarette lighter socket. This will permit you to use the PRO-26 in
your vehicle without wearing down your batteries. This adapter can also be
used with either the CHG jack (to re-charge nickel-cadmium batteries) or
with the PWR jack.
If you use our special DC auto adapter with this scanner, be sure to:
1. Use the correct adapter mating plug.
2. Use the 6V switch setting.
3. Use Negative tip polarity.
When you are using rechargeable batteries, be sure to disconnect the adap-ter/charger from the unit when you are not charging the batteries. Certain
kinds of adapters draw current from the batteries when they are not connec-
ted to a power source (whether AC outlet or cigarette lighter socket) or
when the power fails.
(EB 2/7/97)
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