PRO-10 Scanner
(200-0170)                 Operation                  Faxback Doc. # 38506

After power and antennas are connected and a crystal for crystal(s)
have been installed, your PRO-10 is ready to use.

Turn VOLUME "on", by rotating to the right.  Rotate SQUELCH to the minimum
position by rotating counterclockwise.  Set all the Channel Lock-out
Buttons "on" (press in).  You should hear a rushing sound from the
speaker.  Now adjust SQUELCH clockwise until you no longer hear the
rushing background noise (further explanation of SQUELCH adjustment is
noted below).

If you want the PRO-10 to continuously scan the channels for which you
have crystals installed, you must adjust SQUELCH as instructed above,
then press AUTO/MANUAL button in, to the AUTO position.  The PRO-10 will
constantly scan each channel in sequence; when a signal appears on one of
the channels, the receiver will lock onto that channel and you will hear
the signal.

If you do not want automatic scanning on one or more channels, press their
Channel Lock-out Buttons "off" (press in to release the button so it pops

If you want to stay tuned to one channel only, press AUTO/MANUAL button
again to make it pop out to the MANUAL position.  The Receiver will stop
automatic scanning; now press MANUAL SELECTOR button to advance to the
channel you want to listen to (as indicated by the Light above that
PROGRAM Button).  For MANUAL scanning, the receiver can be either
"squelched" or "unsquelched", for AUTOMATIC scanning , SQUELCH must be
set to eliminate the background noise.

To eliminate the annoying background noise, rotate SQUELCH clockwise until
the background noise just stops.  You can't adjust SQUELCH properly while
listening to a station, so wait till signals cease.  If you set SQUELCH
as noted above, the PRO-10 will appear "dead" until a signal comes in;
when a signal comes in, the SQUELCH circuit "opens up" and you hear the
signal.  When the signal ceases, the SQUELCH circuit "closes" and cuts
out all sound until the next signal comes in.


The PRO-10 has a built-in 2 second delay feature which virtually
eliminates missed replies.  This circuit holds the Receiver on the
channel you are monitoring for a period of 2 seconds after the 
carrier has gone off the air before it resumes normal scanning operation.


Your scanner has a built-in skipper circuit which is fully automatic and
can not be disabled.  It works in both the AUTO and MANUAL modes of
operation.  This feature causes the unit to skip over a locked out
channel(s) so that there is no possibility of the Receiver stopping
on a locked out channel(s).


Your PRO-10 can be powered either from 120 volts AC or from any source
of 12 volts DC, negative ground.  Radio Shack sells a special portable
power pack with a 8 D cell batteries, battery holder and adapter plug
for a cigarette lighter socket.  Its a handy accessory for portable
or vehicle operation.  For more permanent 12 volt installations, solder
wires to the 12 volt plug as shown.  Then, at the other end of the wire,
connect to a + and - source of 12 volts.  Be sure to observe correct

A pair of headphones can be a very useful accessory.  In areas where
a high noise level is present (in a factory, at the scene of a fire or
accident. etc.), or when you want to listen privately, use headphones.
Your Radio Shack store has a couple of very fine selections for your
PRO-10.  Just plug them into the rear panel Speaker/Headphone jack.

If you want to listen to the Receiver from a remote position, or just
want to use an external speaker, connect it to the Speaker/Headphone
jack.  Again your Radio Shack store has some speakers specifically made
for this purpose.


For maximum sensitivity, the channel frequencies you choose should be
within 4 MHz of 153 MHz on the VHF band, (that is, in the spread of
149 to 157 MHz).  For the UHF band, stay within 5 MHz of 460 MHz (that
is, 455 to 465 MHz).  The PRO-10 will function very adequately down
to 148 and up to 174 and from 450 to 470 MHz, but with reduced
sensitivity.  The superior reception spread of 8 or 10 MHz (+/-4/5 MHz)
can be moved up or down in this band of frequencies by special realignment
of the front end circuitry of the PRO-10 (which should be attempted only
by qualified Electronics Service Technicians who have adequately
calibrated, precision test equipment).


Your community is alive with action-action which is constantly being
reported on the air waves.  And your PRO-10 will automatically scan the
air waves to bring you that action-your police force at work, a fire truck
on a mission, Sheriff's department.  State police, local air traffic
control towers the National Weather Service.  Civil Air Patrol, aircraft
 distress, Ham Radio operators, highway and other emergency-type services,
some industrial services, some transportation services (taxi, trucks,
railroad), plug some Government services.  Lot of things are going on
that most of us just are never aware of.  But, with the right frequency
crystal in your PRO-10, you can monitor such exciting signals.  You'll
have to do a little investigating in your community to find out what
services are active and on what frequencies.  You will find one of our
books to be very interesting and helpful, in this area: REALISTIC GUIDE

What to listen for and where?  That is a little difficult for a specific
answer.  Each area of the country can and will use different channels.
All we can do is give you some general pointers and then let you take
it from there.

Find out if there is a local club which monitors these frequencies.
Often a local electronics repair shop that does work on the equipment
can give you the channel frequencies used by local radio service.
A volunteer police or fire employee can also be a good source of this

An interesting service is the Mobile Telephone FCC has assigned this 
service channels in the range of 152.51 to 152.81 MHz at every 0.030
MHz (channels are 30 kHz apart).  Also, 454.375 to 454.625 and then
every 50 kHz up to 454.95.

As a general rule on VHF, most activity will be concentrated between
153.785 and 155.98 and then again from 158.73 to 159.46 MHz.  Here you'll
find local government, police, fire and most such emergency services.
If you are near a railroad yard or major railroad tracks, look around
160.0 to 161.9 for them.

In some of the larger cities, there has been a move to the UHF bands for
these emergency services.  Here, most of the activity is in a spread
of 453.05-453.95 and again at 456.025-459.95 MHz.

In the UHF band, the overall spread of 456.025-456.95 and again at
465.025-469.975 MHz is used by mobile units and control stations associated
with base and repeater units and control stations associated
with base and repeater units which operate 5 MHz lower (that is 451.05-
454.95 and 460.025-464.975 MHz).  This means that if you find an active
channel inside one of these spreads, you can base station/repeater for
that radio service.


Continuous weather broadcasts are transmitted 24-hours-a-day in many
parts of the country.  If you are using a crystal set to one of the
two channels assigned (162.55 or 162.40 MHz), your PRO-10 will
automatically lock-in on that channel, since the broadcasts are
continuous.  To prevent  automatic locking, set the channel lock-out
button for that channel to the "off" position (button out).  When you
want a weather report, set the lock-Out Button to the "on" close to each
other, one will use 162.55 and the other will use 162.40 MHz.  Check with
your local FCC office or the Weather Bureau for the frequency used in your


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