(200-0103) Specifications Faxback Doc. # 39631
CHANNELS OF OPERATION:..........Six-as determined by any one of 6 crystals
operating in the frequency range
FREQUENCY RANGE:.............................30 to 50 MHz, 118 to 136 MHz,
144 to 174 MHz, 450 to 512 MHz
FREQUENCY COVERAGE:..................VHF Lo 6 MHz for maximum sensitivity
(40 MHz +/- 3 MHz)
VHF Aircraft 6 MHz for maximum sensitivity
(127 MHz +/- 3 MHz)
VHF Hi 8 MHz for maximum sensitivity
(153 MHz +/- 4 MHz)
UHF.........................................30 MHz for maximum sensitivity
(480 MHz +/- 15 MHz)
SENSITIVITY:.............Better than 1 microV at FM Band and better than 2
microV at AM Band for (S+N)/N= 20 dB
SELECTIVITY................................................-6 dB +/- 9 kHz
-50 dB +/- 15 kHz
MODULATION ACCEPTANCE:...........................................+/- 7 kHz
I.F.:.................................................10.7 MHz and 455 kHz
FILTERS:................10.7 MHz Crystal Filter and 455 kHz Ceramic Filter
SQUELCH SENSITIVITY:......................Variable from less than 1 microV
at FM Band and less than 2 microV at AM Band
SCANNING SPEED:.........................................6 Channels/seconds
DELAY TIME:.................................................1 to 3 seconds
AUDIO POWER:.........................................................200mW
POWER REQUIREMENTS:.............................+6V DC, four AA batteries,
or a suitable adapter (negative ground only)
Current drain:........................................45mA (Squelched)
130 mA (full volume unsquelched)
SEMICONDUCTOR COMPLEMENT:............................5 Integrated Circuits
16 Silicon Transistors
19 Diodes
6 Light Emitting Diodes (LED's)
SPEAKER:.................2" (5 cm), 16-ohm, Permanent Magnet, dynamic type
ANTENNAS:.....................................Telescopic and flexible type
CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS:........................Standard HC-25/U 3rd overtone
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