PRO-2056 50-Channel Home/Mobile Scanner
(200-0147)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 39991

If your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help
you eliminate the problem.  If the scanner still does not operate
properly, take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance.

Problem               Possible Causes          Remedies

The scanner does      The AC adapter is not    Be sure the AC adapter is
not work at all.      properly connected.      plugged into a working AC

                      The DC power cord or     Be sure the power cord is
                      DC cigarette-lighter     fully inserted into the DC
                      power cord is not        13.8V jack.
                                               Be sure the power cord's red
                                               wire is connected correctly
                                               to a voltage source and the
                                               black wire is connected
                                               correctly to ground.

Poor or no            Improperly connected     Be sure the antenna is 
reception.            antenna.                 properly connected.

Scanner is on         SQ is not correctly      Adjust SQ counterclockwise.
but does not scan.    adjusted.                

In the scan mode, the   Birdies.              Avoid programming frequencies
scanner locks on                               listed under "Birdie 
frequencies that an                            Frequencies" in "General   
unclear transmission.                          Guide to Scanning," Faxback
                                               Doc. # 39990.


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