General Guide to Scanning               
                           Guide to Action Bands      Faxback Doc. # 45400

Reception Notes

Reception of the frequencies covered by your scanner is mainly "line-of
sight."  That means you usually cannot hear stations at your listening
location that are located beyond the horizon.

During summer months, you might be able to hear stations in the 30-50 MHz
range located several hundred or even thousands of miles away. This is due
to summer atmospheric conditions. This type of reception is unpredictable,
but often very interesting.

One very useful service is the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) Weather Radio's continuous weather broadcasts.  These broadcasts
contain weather forecasts and data for the area around the station, plus
bulletins on any threatening weather conditions.  These stations use three
frequencies - 162.40, 162.475 and 162.55 MHz. In most areas of the country
you can receive one or more of these frequencies.

Guide To The Action Bands

With the right frequencies programmed into your scanner, you can monitor
exciting events.  With a little investigation, you can find active
frequencies in your community.  We can give you some general pointers, and
you can take it from there.  Please use caution and common sense when you
hear an emergency call.  Never go to the scene of an emergency - it could
be the most dangerous thing you could ever do.

Find out if there is a local club that monitors your community's
frequencies.  Perhaps a local electronics repair shop that works on
equipment similar to your scanner can give you channel frequencies used by
local radio services.  A volunteer police or fire employee can also be a
good source for this information.

As a general rule on VHF most activity is concentrated between 153.785 and
155.98 MHz and then again from 158.73 to 159.46 MHz.  Here you find local
government , police, fire and most emergency services.  If you are near a
railroad or major railroad tracks, look around 160.0 to 161.9 for signals.

In some large cities, there has been a move to the UHF bands for emergency
services.  Here, most of the activity is between 453.025 and 453.95 MHz
and between 456.025 and 467.925 MHz.

In the UHF band, frequencies between 456.025 and 459.95 MHz and between
465.025 and 469.975 MHz are used by mobile units and control stations
associated with base and repeater units that operate 5 MHz lower (that is,
451.025 to 454.95 MHz and 460.025 to 464.975 MHz).  This means that if you
find an active frequency inside one of these spreads, you can look 5 MHz
lower (or higher) to find the base station/repeater for that service.

A newer technology is now available that uses the 800 MHz band for many
services.  Trunked radio, introduced to business systems in 1979, is now
used by some public safety agencies. With up to twenty channels available,
the transmitter automatically selects an unused frequency each time it is
activated.  Several agencies can share such a system without interfering,
and the system can provide secure communications for selected units, with
unselected units unable to hear the message.

Unlike the lower bands, frequencies in the 800 MHz band are not allocated
by the FCC to specific services.  In each area, the channels are licensed
on a first come, first served basis.  There are two categories for
licensing: Public Safety and Industrial.  Systems using one to five
channels are conventional.  Five channel systems might use trunking, but
all systems with more than five channels must use trunking.

851.0125 - 855.9875 ............. Conventional Systems
856.0125 - 860.9875 ............. Conventional or Trunked
861.0125 - 865.9875 ............. Trunked Systems
866.0000 - 869.9999 ............. Reserved - Satellite

You might discover one of your regular stations on another frequency that
is not listed.  It might be what is known as an image.  For example, you
suddenly find 453.275 also on 474.675.  To see if it is an image, do a
little math.  Double the intermediate frequency of 10.7 MHz and subtract
that number (21.4) from the new frequency.  If the answer is the regular
frequency, then you have tuned to an image.  Occasionally you might get
interference on a weak or distant channel from a strong broadcast 21.4 MHz
below the tuned frequency.  This is rare, and the image signal is usually
cleared whenever there is a broadcast on the actual frequency.

Frequencies in different bands are accessible only at specific intervals.
In the VHF-Lo, HAM, Government and VHF-Hi bands, frequencies are available
in 5 kHz steps, and in the aircraft band, frequencies are available in 25
kHz steps. In all other bands frequencies are available in 12.5 kHz steps.
Your scanner rounds the entered frequency down to the nearest valid
frequency.  For example, if you try to enter 151.473, the scanner accepts
this as 151.470 MHz.

Guide To Frequencies

National Weather Frequencies:

162.400                 162.475                  162.525
162.425                 162.500                  162.550

Canadian Weather Frequencies:

161.650                 161.775                  163.275

NOTE:  These frequencies are not pre-programmed in the weather service
       bank but can be manually programmed into a channel.

Birdie Frequencies

Every scanner has birdie frequencies.  Birdies are signals created inside
the scanner's receiver.  These operating frequencies might interfere with
broadcasts on the same frequencies.  If you program one of these
frequencies, you hear only noise on that frequency.  If the interference
is not severe, you might be able to turn SQUELCH clockwise to cut out the

The most common birdies to watch for are listed below (in MHz):

32.0000                147.2000
32.1100                147.6200 to 147.7000
33.1000                148.5700
37.1300                152.7600
38.1300                153.6000
38.4000                158.7900
39.1300                160.0000
40.2000                160.8000
40.9800                164.8200
43.1500                166.4000
44.8000                172.8000
47.1950                384.4500
48.2000                407.5500
51.2000                433.3500
51.2250                453.8750
52.2150                457.2450
108.4500               458.4250
108.8000               465.4500
115.2000               467.3250
121.6000               469.4250
123.2000               474.9625
123.7250               477.3750
124.4750               484.0000
125.6250               492.8000
128.0000               494.0375
128.4750               498.0500
134.4000               510.1000
136.5650               512.0000

Typical Band Usage

The following is a brief listing of the typical services using the bands
your scanner can receive.  This listing can help you decide which ranges
you would like to scan.

VHF Band:

Low Range: ............................................... 29.00-50.00 MHz

6-Meter Amateur: ......................................... 50.00-54.00 MHz

U.S. Government: ....................................... 137.00-144.00 MHz

2-Meter Amateur: ....................................... 144.00-148.00 MHz

High Range: ............................................ 148.00-174.00 MHz

UHF Band:

U.S. Government: ....................................... 406.00-420.00 MHz

70-cm Amateur: ......................................... 420.00-450.00 MHz

Low Range: ............................................. 450.00-470.00 MHz

FM-TV Audio Broadcast, Wide Band: ...................... 470.00-512.00 MHz

Public Service: ........................................ 806.00-823.93 MHz

Conventional Systems: .................................. 851.00-856.00 MHz

Conventional/Trunked Systems: .......................... 856.00-861.00 MHz

Trunked Systems: ....................................... 861.00-866.00 MHz

Public Safety: ......................................... 866.00-868.93 MHz

High Range: ............................................ 896.11-902.00 MHz

32-Centimeter Amateur: ................................. 902.00-928.00 MHz

Private Trunked: ....................................... 935.00-940.00 MHz

General Trunked: ....................................... 940.00-941.00 MHz

Fixed Services: ........................................ 941.00-944.00 MHz

Studio-to-Transmitter Broad-cast Links: ................ 944.00-952.00 MHz

Private Fixed Services, Paging: ........................ 952.00-960.00 MHz

Aeronautical Navigation: .............................. 960.00-1000.00 MHz

Primary Usage:

As a general rule, most of the radio activity is concentrated on the
following frequencies:

VHF Band:

Activities                                             Frequencies

Government, Police, and Fire: ........................ 153.785-155.980 MHz

Emergency Services: .................................. 158.730-159.460 MHz

Railroad: ............................................ 160.000-161.900 MHz

UHF Band:

Activities                                             Frequencies

Land-Mobile "Paired" Frequencies: .................... 450.000-470.000 MHz

Base Stations: ....................................... 451.025-454.950 MHz

Mobile Units: ........................................ 456.025-459.950 MHz

Repeater Units: ...................................... 460.025-464.975 MHz

Control Stations: .................................... 465.025-469.975 MHz

NOTE: Remote control stations and mobile units operate at 5 MHz higher
      than their associated base stations and relay repeater units.

Band Allocation:

To help decide which frequency ranges to scan, use the following listing
of the typical services that use the frequencies your scanner receives.
These frequencies are subject to change, and might vary from area to area.
For a more complete listing, refer to the "Police Call Radio Guide
including Fire and Emergency Services," available at your local RadioShack

Abbreviations                                                Services

BIFC: .................................. Boise (ID) Interagency Fire Cache

BUS: ............................................................ Business

CAP: .................................................... Civil Air Patrol

CB: ........................................................ Citizens Band

CCA: ...................................................... Common Carrier

CSB: ................................................ Conventional Systems

CTSB: ....................................... Conventional/Trunked Systems

FIRE: .................................................... Fire Department

HAM: ................................................. Amateur (Ham) Radio

GOVT: ................................................. Federal Government

GMR: ................................................ General Mobile Radio

GTR: ..................................................... General Trunked

IND: ................................................. Industrial Services
                   (Manufacturing, Construction, Farming, Forest Products)

MAR: .............................................. Military Amateur Radio

MARI: ............................................. Maritime Limited Coast
        (Coast Guard, Marine Telephone, Shipboard Radio, Private Stations)

MARS: .................................... Military Affiliate Radio System

MED: .......................................... Emergency/Medical Services

MIL: ....................................................... U.S. Military

MOV: ....................................... Motion Picture/Video Industry

NEW: ................................................... New Mobile Narrow

NEWS: .................................. Relay Press (Newspaper Reporters)

OIL: .............................................. Oil/Petroleum Industry

POL: ................................................... Police Department

PUB: ..................................................... Public Services
                  (Public Safety, Local Government, Forestry Conservation)

PSB: ....................................................... Public Safety

PTR: ..................................................... Private Trunked

ROAD: ......................................... Road & Highway Maintenance

RTV: .................................... Radio/TV Remote Broadcast Pickup

TAXI: ....................................................... Taxi Service

TELB: ................................................... Mobile Telephone
                      (Aircraft, Radio Common Carrier, Landline Companies)

TELC: ................... ................................ Cordless Phones

TELM: .............................................. Telephone Maintenance

TOW: .......................................................... Tow Trucks

TRAN: ............................................ Transportation Services
                              (Trucks, Tow Trucks, Buses, Railroad, Other)

TSB: ..................................................... Trunked Systems

TVn: ............................................... FM-TV Audio Broadcast

USXX: .............................................. Government Classified

UTIL: ............................................ Power & Water Utilities

WTHR: ............................................................ Weather

Very High Frequency (VHF):

VHF Low Band-(29-50 MHz-In 5 kHz steps):

29.000-29.700: ....................................................... HAM

29.900-30.550: ................................................. GOVT, MIL

30.580-31.980: .................................................. IND. PUB

32.000-32.990: ................................................. GOVT. MIL

33.020-33.980: ............................................. BUS, IND, PUB

34.010-34.990: ................................................. GOVT, MIL

35.020-35.980: ....................................... BUS, PUB, IND, TELM

36.000-36.230: ................................................. GOVT, MIL

36.250: ................................................ Oil Spill Cleanup

36.270-36.990: ................................................. GOVT, MIL

37.020-37.980: .................................................. PUB, IND

38.000-39.000: ................................................. GOVT, MIL

39.020-39.980: ....................................................... PUB

40.000-42.000: ........................................... GOVT, MIL, MARI

42.020-42.940: ....................................................... POL

42.960-43.180: ....................................................... IND

43.220-43.680: ............................................ TELM, IND, PUB

43.700-44.600: ...................................................... TRAN

44.620-46.580: .................................................. POL, PUB

46.600-46.990: ................................................ GOVT, TELC

47.020-47.400: ....................................................... PUB

47.420: ............................................... American Red Cross

47.440-49.580: .................................................. IND, PUB

49.610-49.990: ................................................. MIL, TELC

6-Meter Amateur Band - (50-54 MHz):

50.00-54.00: ......................................................... HAM

Aircraft Band - (108-137 MHz):

108.00-121.490: ...................................................... AIR

121.500: ................................................... AIR Emergency

121.510-136.000: ..................................................... AIR

U.S. Government Band - (137-144 MHz):

137.000-144.00: ................................................ GOVT, MIL

2-Meter Amateur Band - (144-148 MHz):

144.000-148.00: ...................................................... HAM

VHF High Band - (148-174 MHz):

148.050-150.345: ........................................... CAP, MAR, MIL

150.775-150.790: ..................................................... MED

150.815-150.980: .................................. TOW, Oil Spill Cleanup

150.995-151.475: ............................................... ROAD, POL

151.490-151.955: ................................................ IND, BUS

151.985: ............................................................ TELM

152.0075: ............................................................ MED

152.030-152.240: .................................................... TELB

152.270-152.480: .......................................... IND, TAXI, BUS

152.510-152.840: .................................................... TELB

152.870-153.020: ................................................ IND, MOV

153.035-153.725: .......................................... IND, OIL, UTIL

153.740-154.445: ............................................... PUB, FIRE

154.490-154.570: ................................................ IND, BUS

154.585: ............................................... Oil Spill Cleanup

154.600-154.625: ..................................................... BUS

154.655-156.240: ..................................... MED, ROAD, POL, PUB

156.255-157.425: ............................................... OIL, MARI

157.450: ............................................................. MED

157.470-157.515: ..................................................... TOW

157.530-157.725: ............................................... IND, TAXI

157.740: ............................................................. BUS

157.770-158.100: .................................................... TELB

158.130-158.460: ............................... BUS, IND, OIL, TELM, UTIL

158.490-158.700: .................................................... TELB

158.730-159.465: .......................................... POL, PUB, ROAD

159.480: ............................................................. OIL

159.495-161.565: .................................................... TRAN

161.580-162.000: .......................................... OIL, MARI, RTV

162.0125-162.35: ......................................... GOVT, MIL, USXX

162.400-162.550: .................................................... WTHR

162.5625-162.6375: ....................................... GOVT, MIL, USXX

162.6625: ............................................................ MED

162.6875-163.225: ........................................ GOVT, MIL, USXX

163.250: ............................................................. MED

163.275-166.225: ......................................... GOVT, MIL, USXX

166.250: ................................................. GOVT, RTV, FIRE

166.275-169.400: .............................................. GOVT, BIFC

169.445-169.505: .................................... Wireless Mikes, GOVT

169.55-169.9875: ......................................... GOVT, MIL, USXX

170.000-170.150: ................................... BIFC, GOVT, RTV, FIRE

170.175-170.225: .................................................... GOVT

170.245-170.305: .......................................... Wireless Mikes

170.350-170.400: ............................................... GOVT, MIL

170.425-170.450: .................................................... BIFC

170.475: ............................................................. PUB

170.4875-173.175: .............................. GOVT, PUB, Wireless Mikes

173.225-173.5375: ................................... MOV, NEWS, UTIL, MIL

173.5625-173.5875: ............................... MIL Medical/Crash Crews

173.60-173.9875: .................................................... GOVT

Ultra High Frequency (UHF):

U.S. Government Band - (406-420 MHz):

406.125-419.975: .............................................. GOVT, USXX

70-cm Amateur Band - (420-450 MHz):

420.000-450.000: ..................................................... HAM

Low Band - (450-470 MHz):

450.050-450.925: ..................................................... RTV

451.025-452.025: .................................... IND, OIL, TELM, UTIL

452.0375-453.00: ............................... IND, TAXI, TRAN TOW, NEWS

453.0125-454.000: ............................................... PUB, OIL

454.025-454.975: .................................................... TELB

455.050-455.925: ..................................................... RTV

457.525-457.600: ..................................................... BUS

458.025-458.175: ..................................................... MED

460.0125-460.6375: ........................................ FIRE, POL, PUB

460.650-462.175: ..................................................... BUS

462.1875-462.450: ............................................... BUS, IND

462.4625-462.525: ................................... IND, OIL, TELM, UTIL

462.550-462.925: ................................................ GMR, BUS

462.9375-463.1875: ................................................... MED

463.200-467.925: ..................................................... BUS

FM-TV Audio Broadcast, UHF Wide Band - (470-512 MHz):
             (Channels 14 through 69 in 6 MHz steps):

475.750: ...................................................... Channel 14

481.750: ...................................................... Channel 15

487.750: ...................................................... Channel 16

511.750: ...................................................... Channel 20

NOTE: Some cities use the 470-512 MHz band for land/mobile service.

Conventional Systems Band - Locally Assigned:

851.0125-855.9875: ................................................... CSB

Conventional/Trunked Systems Band - Locally Assigned:

856.0125-860.9875: .................................................. CTSB

Trunked Systems Band - Locally Assigned:

861.0125-865.9875: ................................................... TSB

Public Safety Band - Locally Assigned:

866.0125-868.9875: ................................................... PSB

33-Centimeter Amateur Band - (902-928 MHz):

902.0000-928.000: .................................................... HAM

Private Trunked:

935.0125-939.9875: ................................................... PTR

General Trunked:

940.0125-940.9875: ................................................... GTR

Abbreviations used by permission of the publishers of Police Call Radio
Guide, Copyright Hollins Radio Data.

Frequency Conversion

The tuning location of a station can be expressed in frequency (kHz or
MHz) or in wavelength (meters).  The following information can help you
make the necessary conversions.

   1 MHz (million) = 1,000 kHz (thousand)

To convert MHz to kHz, multiply the number of megahertz by 1,000:

   9.62 (MHz) x 1000 = 9620 kHz

To convert from kHz to MHz, divide the number of kilohertz by 1,000:

   2780 (kHz) divided by 1000 = 2.780 MHz

To convert MHz to meters, divide 300 by the number of megahertz:

   300 divided by 7.1 MHz = 42.25 meters

(LB/EB 1/14/98)

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