PRO-2046 Programmable 100-Channel Mobile Scanner
(200-0149) Troubleshooting Faxback Doc. # 46803
If your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help
you eliminate the problem. If the scanner still does not operate properly,
take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Symptom Suggestion
Scanner is on, but will not scan. Be sure MAN is not displayed. If it
is, press SCAN.
Be sure SQUELCH is adjusted properly.
Scanner receives stations poorly Check the antenna (indoor or outdoor)
or not at all.
Signals may be blocked from being
received by the scanner due to metal
frames or material in building.
Change the scanner's location and try
The scanner's keys do not work. The scanner might be locked. Reset
the scanner. See "Resetting the
The display shows random segments. Scanner" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.
Scanner does not work at all. Check that the power supply (either
vehicle battery or AC adapter/AC
outlet) is working.
Check the scanner's in-line fuse and
replace if necessary. See "Replacing
the Fuse" in Faxback Doc. # 46804.
The scanner might be locked. Reset
the scanner. See "Resetting the
Scanner" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.
Scanner locks on frequencies Be sure SQUELCH is adjusted properly.
that have an unclear transmission.
Be sure birdie frequencies are not
programmed, or listen to birdie
frequencies manually. See "Birdie
Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 17653.
(BR/eb 4/1/98)
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