PRO-2046 Programmable 100-Channel Mobile Scanner
(200-0149)         Understanding Your Scanner         Faxback Doc. # 46943

A Look At The Front Panel Controls

A quick glance at this section should help you understand each control's

                  MON - stores frequencies into and accesses the 10
                        monitor memories.  See "Monitor Memories" below.

                 DATA - turns the scanner's data detection feature on or
                        off. See "Detecting Data Signals" in Faxback Doc.
                        # 46802.

              PROGRAM - programs frequencies into channels.  See "Storing
                        Frequencies Into Channels" and "Moving a Frequency
                        from a Monitor Memory to a Channel" in Faxback
                        Doc. # 46801, and "Priority" in Faxback Doc.
                        # 46802.

                DELAY - programs a 2-second delay for the selected channel
                        See "DELAY" in Faxback Doc. # 46802.

            L/OUT/S/S - skips a specified frequency during a band, direct,
(lockout/search skip)   or service bank search, or locks out selected
                        channels.  See "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in
                        Faxback Doc. # 46802.

         PRIORITY/H/S - set and turn on and off priority for a particular
(Priority/HyperSearch)  channel, or selects the HyperSearch speed.  See
                        "Priority" and "Changing the Search Speed" in
                        Faxback Doc. # 46802.

      POLICE FIRE-EMG - searches the preset frequencies in the Police/
                        fire/emergency (POLICE/FIRE/EMG) service search
                        bank.  See "Service Search Banks" below.

                  DOT - searches the preset frequencies in the Department
                        of Transportation (DOT) service search bank.  See
                        "Service Search Banks" below.

                 HWY. - searches the preset frequencies in the highway
                        services (HWY.) service search bank.  See "Service
                        Search Banks" below.

           PUBLIC SVC - searches the preset frequencies in the public
                        service (PUB) service search bank.  See "Service
                        Search Banks" below.

          Number Keys - Each key has a single digit label and a range of
                        numbers.  Use the digits on the keys to enter the
                        numbers for a channel or a frequency.  Use the
                        range of numbers above the key (61-70 for example)
                        to select the channels in a channel storage-bank.
                        See "Channels" below and "Scanning Channel-Storage
                        Banks" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.

                        Note: Press 91-100/0 to hold or resume a direct,
                        band, or service bank search.

 WX/E (weather/enter) - scans the preset weather frequencies, or stores
                        frequencies into channels.  See "Listening to the
                        Weather Band" in Faxback Doc. # 46802 and "Storing
                        Frequencies into Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46801

              CLEAR/. - clears an incorrect entry or enters the decimal
                        point when you enter a frequency.  See "Storing
                        Frequencies into Channels" or "Direct Search" in
                        Faxback Doc. # 46801.

                 SCAN - scans through the channels.  See "Scanning
                        Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.

               MANUAL - stops scanning to let you listen to a monitor
                        memory or directly enter a channel number.  See
                        "Monitor Memories" below and "Storing Frequencies
                        into Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.

                 BAND - searches a band you select.  See "Frequency Bands"

            (/\ / \/) - enters the direction the scanner will search.

               VOLUME - turns the scanner on or off and adjusts the volume
                        See "Turning On the Scanner/Setting Volume and
                        Squelch" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.

              SQUELCH - adjusts the scanner's squelch. See "Turning On the
                        Scanner/Setting Volume and Squelch" in Faxback Doc
                        # 46801.

A Look At The Display

The display has indicators that show the scanner's current operating mode.
A good look at the display will help you understand your scanner.

           MON - appears with a number (1-10) to show which monitor memory
                 you are listening to.  See "Monitor Memories" below.

          BANK - appears with numbers (1-10) to the right to show which
                 channel storage banks are turned on for scanning.  See
                 "Channels" below.

        POLICE - appears when you search the preset frequencies in the
                 POLICE/FIRE/EMG service search bank.  See "Service Search
                 Banks" below.

           DOT - appears when you search the preset frequencies in the DOT
                 service search bank.  See "Service Search Banks" below.

           HWY - appears when you search the preset frequencies in the HWY
                 service search bank.  See "Service Search Banks" below.

           PUB - appears when you search the preset frequencies in the PUB
                 service search bank.  See "Service Search Banks" below.

             P - appears when you tune to a priority channel.

            CH - appears with a number (1-100) to the left to show which
                 of the scanner's 100 channels it is tuned to.

           MHz - appears with digits to the left to show which frequency
                 your scanner is currently tuned to.

          SCAN - appears when you scan channels.

           MAN - appears when you manually select a channel.

           PGM - appears when you program the scanner.  See "Storing
                 Frequencies into Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46801.

 L/O (lockout) - appears when you skip a channel or frequency.  See
                 "Skipping Frequencies/Channels" in Faxback Doc. # 46802.

           PRI - appears when the priority feature is turned on.

           DLY - appears when scanning stops at a channel you have
                 programmed for a 2-second delay.

          DATA - appears when the data detection feature is turned on. See
                 "Detecting Data Signals" in Faxback Doc. # 46802.

  WX (weather) - appears when the scanner is scanning the weather band.
                 See "Listening to the Weather Band" in Faxback Doc.
                 # 46802.

          SRCH - appears during band, direct, or service bank search, or
                 while scanning the weather band.  Also blinks in
                 HyperSearch mode.  See "Changing the Search Speed" in
                 Faxback Doc. # 46802.

     (/\ / \/) - indicates the search direction during a search.

           -b- - appears instead of the channel number during a band

           -d- - appears instead of the channel number during a direct

           -H- - appears during a band or service bank search hold.

           -h- - appears during a direct search hold.

Service Search Banks

The FCC (Federal Communications Commissions) allocates frequency ranges
for the exclusive use of public service agencies such as police and fire
departments, the U.S. Department of Transportation, state and local
highway services, and federal, state, and local public service

Many of the frequencies used by these agencies are grouped into service
search banks in your scanner, so you can quickly and easily search the
frequencies used by a particular agency.

Your scanner has the following service search banks.

   POLICE/FIRE/EMG - contains 2,442 preset police, fire, and emergency
                     services frequencies.

   DOT ------------- contains 106 preset Department of Transportation

   HWY ------------- contains 291 preset highway services frequencies.

   PUB ------------- contains 140 preset public service frequencies.

You can search through one or more of the service search banks by simply
pressing the bank's button. For example, if you want to search frequencies
where you are likely to hear police calls and communications between
Department of Transportation employees, press POLICE, FIRE EMG and DOT.
The indicator for each search bank you selected appears on the display. If
you selected more than one search bank, the active bank (the bank the
scanner is currently searching) flashes on the display.

To stop searching a service search bank, press the button until its
indicator disappears from the display.

Frequency Bands

Your scanner has nine frequency bands, each of which covers a specific
range of frequencies.  You can search these bands for specific broadcasts
by repeatedly pressing BAND until the scanner displays the band you want.
For example, you can search through all frequencies between 29.000 and
54.000 MHz for specific broadcasts by repeatedly pressing BAND until 29-54
appears on the display.

This table shows the frequency band range displayed by the scanner and the
typical usage, frequency coverage and step rate for each.

Displayed                                       Frequency
Frequency                                       Coverage         Step Rate
Band Range     Typical Usage                    (MHz)                (kHz)

29-54        10-Meter Amateur Radio, VHF        20,000 to 54.000      5.0
             Lo, 6-Meter Amateur Radio

108-137      Aircraft                          108.000 to 138.9750   12.5

137-144      Government                        137.000 to 144.0000    5.0

144-148      2-Meter Amateur Radio             144.000 to 148.0000    5.0

148-174      VHF HI                            148.000 to 174.0000    5.0

406-450      Government, 70-Centimeter         406.000 to 450.0000   12.5
             Amateur Radio

450-470      UHF Lo                            450.000 to 470.0000   12.5

470-512      UHF "T" Band                      470.000 to 512.0000   12.5

806-956      UHF Public Service,               806.000 to 956.0000   12.5
             33-Centimeter Amateur             (except 823.950 to
             Radio, UHF Hi                     850.9875 and 868.950
                                               to 896.1000)

Notes: Your scanner searches at the preset frequency step rate (5 or 12.5
       kHz) for each frequency. You cannot change the frequency step rate.

       While searching through a frequency band, you might hear a
       frequency you want to store.  You can store any frequency into a
       monitor memory.  See "Monitor Memories" below.

       Some of the frequencies in the frequency bands are also grouped in
       the scanner's service search banks.

       You cannot change or delete any of the frequencies in the frequency


To make it easier to identify and select the frequencies you want to
listen to, the scanner's channels are divided into 10 channel storage
banks (1-10) of 10 channels each.  You can use each channel storage bank
to group frequencies, such as those used by the police department, fire
department, ambulance services, and aircraft (see "Guide to the Action
Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 17653).

For example, there might be three or four police departments in your area,
each using several different frequencies.  Additionally, there might be
other law enforcement agencies such as state police, county sheriffs, or
SWAT teams that use their own frequencies.  You could program all law
enforcement frequencies starting with Channel 1 (the first channel in
Bank 1), then program the fire department, paramedic, and other public
safety frequencies starting with Channel 11 (the first channel in Bank 2).

Monitor Memories

Monitor memories are temporary storage areas where you can store up to 10
frequencies during a search while you decide whether to save them into
channels.  You can manually select and listen to monitor memories.

You can store frequencies you find during a search into monitor memories
by pressing MON when the desired frequency appears on the display.  The
current monitor memory number is displayed.

Note:  When you store a frequency in a monitor memory, that frequency also
       remains in the frequency band.

(BR/eb 3/31/98)

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