PRO-74 100-Channel VHF/UHF/Air/800 MHz Race Scanner
(200-0513) Troubleshooting Faxback Doc. # 47325
If you have problems, here are some suggestions that might help. If none
do, take your scanner to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Keys do not work or Undetermined error. Reset the scanner (see
display changes at "Resetting the
random. Scanner" below).
Scanner is on but SQUELCH is not Adjust SQUELCH
will not scan. correctly adjusted. clockwise.
Only one channel or Store frequencies into
no channels are stored. more than one channel.
Scanner is totally No power. Check the batteries or
inoperative. make sure the scanner
is plugged into a
working AC or DC outlet
Be sure the adapter's
barrel plug is fully
plugged into the POWER
Recharge the
rechargeable batteries
or replace the
The scanner's display Batteries are not Make sure the batteries
dims or the scanner correctly installed. are installed with the
sounds a tone every proper polarity (+ to +
15-30 seconds. and - to -).
Batteries are low. Recharge the
rechargeable batteries
or replace the
Keypad does not work. The keylock function To turn off the
is activated. keylock, press KEYLOCK
until K/L disappears.
BATT Lo appears. The batteries are Recharge rechargeable
weak. batteries, or replace
Poor or no reception. Batteries are weak Check the batteries, or
or dead. make sure the scanner
is plugged into a
working AC or DC outlet
Error appears. Frequency entered Re-enter the frequency
incorrectly. correctly, including
the decimal point.
While scanning, the Stored frequencies Avoid storing
scanner locks on the are the same as frequencies listed
frequencies that have "birdie" frequencies. under "Birdie
an unclear transmission. Frequencies" in Faxback
Doc. # 17653, or only
listen to them manually
If the scanner's display locks up or does not work properly after you
connect power, you might need to reset the scanner.
CAUTION: This procedure clears all the information you have stored into
the scanner (such as frequencies and car numbers). Before you
rest the scanner, try turning it off and on to see if it begins
working properly. Reset the scanner only when you are sure it
is not working properly.
1. Turn off the scanner.
2. While you hold down the 2 and 9 keys, turn on the scanner.
If you still have problems after resetting the scanner, take it to your
local RadioShack store.
(BR/eb 4/24/98)
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