PRO-25 100-Channel Programmable Scanner
(200-0505)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 47810

If you have problems operating your scanner, here are some suggestions
that might help.  If the scanner still does not operate properly, contact
your local RadioShack store for assistance.

Symptom                     Suggestion

Scanner is On               If SQUELCH is adjusted so you always hear a
but will not scan           hissing sound, the scanner will not scan
                            properly.  Be sure SQUELCH is adjusted
                            properly (See " Turning ON the scanner and
Scanner scans               Setting Squelch" in Faxback Doc. # 47808).
continuously and never
stops on a transmission.    Check the antenna (indoor or outdoor).

                            Signals might be blocked from being received
Scanner produces a          by the scanner due to metal frames or material
constant hissing            in the building.  Change the scanner's
sound.                      location and try again.

Scanner receives            Check the antenna (indoor or outdoor).
stations poorly or
not at all.

Scanner does not            Make sure the scanner is connected to a
work at all.                working power source.

Scanner locks on            The scanner is turned to a "Birdie" frequency.
frequencies that            Avoid programming Birdie frequencies listed in
have an unclear             Faxback Doc. # 17653, or only listen to them
transmission.               manually.

                            Broadcaster is transmitting a signal type that
                            the scanner cannot receive.  Choose another

(BR/eb 5/21/98)

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