PRO-59 8-Channel Direct Entry Programmable Scanner
(200-0401) Operation Faxback Doc. # 48244
You can store up to eight frequencies into your scanner's channels.
A good reference for active frequencies is "RadioShack's Police Call Radio
Guide including Fire and Emergency Services". We update this directory
every year, so be sure to get a current copy.
1. Turn on your scanner by turning VOLUME clockwise.
2. Press MANUAL, enter the channel number you want to program, and press
3. Enter a frequency.
Press ./CLEAR once to enter the decimal point. Press the key twice to
clear an incorrect entry.
4. Press ENTER to store the frequency. If you made a mistake in Step 3,
E appears on the display to indicate you entered an invalid frequency.
Proceed again from Step 3.
Frequency errors usually mean you entered a frequency outside the
range of your scanner (such as 225.00 MHz) or you put the decimal
point in the wrong place (14.682 MHz instead of 146.82 MHz. Check
carefully to find your mistake and enter the correct number.
5. To confirm the proper entry, press REVIEW. The programmed frequency
appears on the display, one digit at a time. The decimal point is
displayed as a dash (-).
6. To program more channels, repeat Steps 2-4. If you want to program
the next channel in sequence, simply press MANUAL and repeat Steps
Use SQUELCH to decrease your scanner's sensitivity to weak signals.
This lets the scanner receive only the strongest transmissions.
1. Turn SQUELCH and VOLUME fully counterclockwise.
2. Turn VOLUME clockwise until you hear a hissing sound.
3. Slowly turn SQUELCH clockwise until the hissing stops.
To begin scanning the channels, press SCAN. Your scanner scans through
all the channels except the ones you lock out. Be sure to read the
following sections to fully benefit from your scanner's special features.
You can continuously monitor a single channel without scanning. This is
useful if you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and do not want to
miss any of the details, even though there might be periods of silence, or
if you want to monitor a channel that you have locked out.
To monitor a channel, press MANUAL, enter the channel number, and press
MANUAL again. Or, if your scanner is scanning and has stopped at the
desired channel, simply press MANUAL one time. Pressing MANUAL additional
times causes your scanner to step through the channels one at a time.
You can set your scanner to scan more efficiently by locking out channels
that you do not want to monitor. Enter the channel number you wish to
lock out, press MANUAL, and press LOCK OUT so that the LOCK OUT indicator
appears. This is also handy for locking out channels that have a
continuous transmission. You can still manually select locked-out
To unlock a channel you have locked, manually select the channel and press
LOCK OUT so that the LOCK OUT indicator goes off.
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has set aside several
frequencies for use by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). We preprogrammed your scanner with all of the frequencies
available to NOAA. To hear your local forecast and regional weather
information, press WX. Your scanner begins scanning through the weather
band, and stops when it finds a transmission.
If the scanner stops on a weak station, press WX again to scan through the
rest of the weather band.
To stop monitoring the weather channels, press either SCAN or MANUAL.
(BR/eb 6/10/98)
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