PRO-59 8-Channel Direct Entry Programmable Scanner
(200-0401)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 48245


Here are some suggestions which might help.

PROBLEM                       POSSIBLE CAUSE         REMEDY

Scanner is totally            No power.              Check the power
inoperative.                                         connection.

Scanner is on but             SQUELCH not correctly  Adjust SQUELCH
does not scan.                adjusted.              clockwise.

The keys are inoperative      The CPU is locked up.  Use a paper clip to
or the display is random.                            press the reset
                                                     button on the
                                                     scanner's back panel.

If none of these suggested remedies solves the problem, return your
scanner to your local RadioShack store for assistance.

(BR/eb 6/10/98)

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