PRO-26 Pocket Scanner, FM Monitor/Scanner
(200-0107)                 Operation                  Faxback Doc. # 48527

After batteries, crystal(s) and antenna (telescopic or flexible) have been
installed, your PRO-26 is ready to use.

Turn power on by turning VOLume to the right.  Turn SQuelch to the minimum
position to the far left.  Set all the channel lock-out switches in the up
position, toward the LED indicators.  You should hear a rushing sound from
the speaker.

Turn SQuelch to the right until the background noise abruptly stops.  You
cannot adjust SQuelch properly while listening to a station, so wait until
signals cease.  If you set SQuelch correctly, the PRO-26 will appear
'dead' until a signal comes in; when a signal comes in, the squelch
circuit will 'open up' and you'll hear the signal.  When the signal
ceases, the squelch circuit will 'close' and cut out all sound until the
next signal comes in.

If you want the PRO-26 to scan the channels continuously for the crystals
you have installed, adjust SQuelch as previously instructed, then set the
SCAN/MANUAL switch to the SCAN position.  The PRO-26 will constantly scan
each channel, in sequence; when a signal appears on one of the channels,
the receiver will lock onto that channel and  you will hear the signal.

If you do not want automatic scanning on one or more channels, press the
appropriate Channel Lock-Out Switch(es) down, or away from the LED

If you want to stay tuned to one channel only, set the SCAN/MANUAL switch
to the MANUAL position (stop scanning) and press MANUAL momentarily to
advance to the channel you want to listen to (as indicated by the LED
above that channel switch).  For manual scanning, the receiver can be
either 'squelched' (adjusted as previously indicated) or 'unsquelched'
(the SQuelch control set to the extreme left).  For automatic scanning,
SQuelch must be set to eliminate the background noise.


This Receiver will function adequately from 30 to 50, 144 to 174 and 450
to 512 MHz, but with reduced sensitivity at the upper and lower extremes.
For maximum sensitivity on the VHF-Lo band, the channel frequencies you
choose should be within +/- 3 MHz of 40 MHz (that is, in the spread of 37
to 43 MHz).  For the VHF Hi band, stay within +/- 4 MHz of 153 MHz (149 to
157 MHz) and for UHF, +/- 15 MHz of 465 MHz (that is, 450 to 480 MHz).
The superior reception spread of 6, 8, or 30 MHz (+/- 3, +/- 4 or
+/- 15 MHz) can be moved up or down in either band of frequencies by
special realignment of the front end circuitry of this Receiver (which
should be attempted only by qualified Electronic Service Technicians who
have adequately calibrated, precision test equipment.)

(CC/wr 06/29/98)

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