PRO-38 10-Channel Direct Entry Programmable Scanner
(200-0139)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 48560


The frequencies stored in the PRO-38 memory can be held for approximately
30 minutes without AA batteries or adapter.  Check memory contents after
replacing batteries.

If you have problems...

We hope you don't - but here are some suggestions.

TROUBLE                        CHECK

Unit does not turn on/no      1.  Batteries are not correctly installed.
power.                            Check to be sure the + and - terminals
                                  are properly aligned.
                              2.  Batteries are dead.  Replace with new

No reception/poor             1.  Antenna is not correctly installed.
reception.                        Check connector.

                              2.  Environment is not suitable for scanner.
                                  Relocate unit and try again.

                              3.  Frequencies are not properly programmed.
                                  Check and reprogram.

                              4.  Batteries are weak or dead.  Replace
                                  with new ones.

E appears in display.         1.  Programming error.  Check frequency and
                                  try again.

Beep tone sounds every        1.  Batteries are low in power.  Replace
15 - 30 seconds.                  with new ones.

Keypad does not work/         1.  Keypad is locked.  Check and turn
cannot program.                   KEYLOCK switch out.

If none of these suggested remedies solves the problem, return your set to
your nearby RadioShack for assistance.

(LB/eb 7/1/98)

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