PRO-32 Portable Scanner/Receiver
(200-0133)                 Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 50773

Before you call for help . . .

The three silver oxide batteries used to maintain the program memory
should be replaced once a year.  The frequencies stored in the Scanner
memory can be held for approximately 30 minutes without the backup
batteries (or without AA batteries or adapter).  Check memory contents
after replacing batteries.  If the memory has been lost, press the RESET
button and re-enter the frequencies.

If you have problems . . .


Scanner is totally    No power             Check to see that batteries
inoperative.                               Are good and are properly

Scanner is on, but    1) Channels are      1) Press [MANUAL], then
will not scan.           Locked out.          Release each channel
                                              from lockout one-by-one.

                      2) Squelch control   2) Adjust SQUELCH clockwise.
                         Is not adjusted

Scan locks on freq-   "Birdies"            Avoid programming frequencies
uencies having no                          listed in Faxback Doc. # 17653,
clear transmission.                        or only listen to them manually.

If none of these suggested remedies solves the problem, return your set to
your nearby RadioShack store for assistance.

Using receivers capable of covering police, fire, emergency and ambulance
frequencies in your car may be restricted by law in some areas.  Before
installing your PRO-32 in your car, check to be sure of the regulations in
your locality.

(EB 12/02/98)

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