PRO-2015 200-Channel Programmable Home Scanner
(200-0421A)                Understanding Scanners     Faxback Doc. # 53310

Understanding Your Scanner

Once you understand a few simple terms used in this manual and familiarize 
yourself with your scanner's features, you can put the scanner to work for 
you.  You simply determine the type of communications you want to receive, 
then set the scanner to scan them.

A frequency is the tuning location of a station (expressed in kHz or MHz).  
To find active frequencies, you can use the search function.

You can also search the service search banks, which are preset groups of 
frequencies categorized by type of service.

When you find a frequency, you can store it into a programmable memory 
location called a channel, which is grouped with your other channels in a 
channel-storage bank.  You can then scan the channel-storage banks to see 
if there is activity on the frequency stored there.  Each time the scanner 
finds an active frequency, it stays on that channel until the transmission 

A Look At the Controls

Note:  Some of the scanner's keys perform more than one function (such as
       MON/CL) and are marked with more than one label.  The steps in this
       Owner's Manual show only the label on the key appropriate to the
       action being performed.

A quick look at this section should help you understand each control's 

                 POWER - turns the scanner on and off.

                VOLUME - adjust the volume.

               SQUELCH - adjusts the scanner's squelch.

                MANUAL - stops scanning to let you directly enter a
                         channel number.

                  SCAN - scans through the programmed channels.

                  BAND - lets you search service banks.

 L/O RVW/L/O (Lock Out - lets you review locked-out channels or 
      Review/Lock Out)   frequencies, and lets you lock out selected
                         channels or skips specified frequencies during a

               \/ / /\ - enters the direction the scanner will search or

MON/CL (Monitor/Clear) - accesses the 20 monitor memories or clears an
                         incorrect entry.

         PGM (Program) - programs frequencies into channels.

           Number Keys - each key has a single-digit label and a range of
                         numbers.  Use the digits on the keys to enter the
                         numbers for a channel or a frequency.  Use the
                         range of numbers above the key (21-40, for
                         example) to select the channel in a channel
                         storage bank.  See "Understanding Banks" in
                         Faxback Doc. # 53310.

               DELAY/. - enters a decimal point, or programs a two-second
                         delay for the selected channel.

                 ENTER - enters a frequency into a channel.

A Look at the Display

The display shows the scanner's current operating mode.  A look at the 
display will help you understand how your scanner operates.

FIRE/POLICE - appears when you search in the fire/police service bank.

   AIRCRAFT - appears when you search in the air service bank.

     MARINE - appears when you search in the marine service bank.

        HAM - appears when you search in the ham radio service bank.

       BANK - appears with numbers (1-10) when you search through the
              channels.  Bank numbers with a bar under them show which
              ones are turned on for scanning.  See "Understanding Banks"
              on Faxback Doc. # 53310.

         WX - appears when you scan or manually select a channel in the
              weather band.

    \/ / /\ - indicate the scan or search direction.

          M - appears when you listen to the monitor memory.

         CH - appears with a number (1-200) to the left to show which of
              the scanner's 200 channels it is tuned to.

        MHz - these digits show which frequency your scanner is currently
              tuned to.

       SRCH - appears during service band and direct frequency searches.

       SCAN - appears when you scan channels.

        MAN - appears when you manually select a channel.

        PGM - appears while you program the scanner.

        DLY - appears when you program a two-second delay.

        L/O - appears when you manually select a channel you locked-out
              while scanning or when you review the locked-out frequency.

      Error - appears when you make an entry error.

     -dUPL- - appears when you try to store a frequency that is already
(duplicate)   stored in another channel.

        -d- - appears during a direct frequency search.

        -b- - appears during a service bank frequency search.

    Ch-FULL - appears when you try to enter a frequency during a search
              when all channels are full.

    F L-out - appears when you start direct search from a locked-out

   FLo-FULL - appears when you try to lockout a frequency during a search
              when 50 frequencies are already locked-out.

        L-r - appears while you review the locked-out frequencies.

    dEFAULt - appears when you remove all the lockout from the service
              bank frequencies.

 FLo ALL-CL - appears when you remove all the locked-out frequencies
              during a service bank/direct search.

Understanding Banks

Channel Storage Banks

To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen 
to, channels are divided into 10 banks of 20 channels each.  Use each 
channel-storage bank to group frequencies, such as those used by the 
police department, fire department, ambulance services, or aircraft (see 
"Guide to the Action Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 17653).  For example, the 
police department might use four frequencies, one for each side of town.  
You could program the police frequencies starting with Channel 1 (the 
first channel in bank 1) and program the fire department frequencies 
starting with Channel 21 (the first channel in bank 2).

Service Banks

The scanner is preprogrammed with the frequencies allocated by fire/ 
police, aircraft, ham radio, marine, and weather services.  In these 
service banks, you can search through the frequencies and store them in 
channels for fire/police, aircraft, ham radio, and marine banks.  (In the 
weather bank, you can only scan channels.)  This is handy for quickly 
finding active frequencies instead of searching through an entire band.

Note:  The frequencies in the scanner's service bank are preset.  You
       cannot change them.

           Frequency Range    Step
Group          (MHz)          (kHz)

  -        108.000-136.9875   12.5

           Frequency Range    Step
Group          (MHz)          (kHz)

  1        29.000-29.700        5
  2        50.000-54.000        5
  3       144.000-148.000       5
  4       420.000-450.000      12.5

           Frequency Range
Group          (MHz)
  1           162.400
  2           162.425
  3           162.450
  4           162.475
  5           162.500
  6           162.525
  7           162.550

MARINE                                 FIRE/POLICE
           Frequency Range    Step                Frequency Range    Step
Group          (MHz)          (kHz)    Group          (MHz)          (kHz)

  -        156.025-156.750     25        1        33.420-33.980       20
           156.800             -                  37.020-37.420       20
           156.850             -                  39.020-39.980       20
           156.875-156.975     25                 42.020-42.940       20
           157.025             -                  44.620-45.860       20
           157.050             -                  45.880              -
           157.100             -                  45.900              -
           157.150             -                  45.940-46.060       40
           157.175             -                  46.080-46.500       20
           157.425             -         2        153.770-154.130     60
           160.625             -                  154.145-154.445     15
           160.650-160.875     25                 154.650-154.950     15
           161.600             -                  155.010-155.370     60
           161.800             -                  155.415-155.700     15
           161.825-162.000     25                 155.730-156.210     60
                                                  158.730-159.210     60
                                                  166.250             -
                                                  170.150             -
                                         3        453.0375-453.9625   12.5
                                                  458.0375-458.9625   12.5
                                                  460.0125-460.6375   12.5
                                                  465.0125-465.6375   12.5

(EB 6/29/99)

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