PRO-92 500-Channel Portable Trunking Scanner
(200-0522)                 Trunking Operation         Faxback Doc. # 58071

The PRO-92 scanner tracks transmissions that use the Motorola Type l and 
Type II (such as Smartnet and Privacy Plus) and hybrid analog trunking 
systems, plus GE/Ericsson (EDACS) and EF Johnson (LTR) type systems, which 
are extensively used in many communication systems.

Trunking systems allocate a few frequencies to many different users.  When 
the mobile unit transmits a signal, one frequency is chosen from among the 
allocated frequencies in that trunking system.  The user's ID talk group 
is sent with the signal. 

Trunking group frequencies are included in the supplied Police Call 
trunking Guide.  Frequency fleet map and talk group information is also 
widely available or the internet, including at

Understanding Trunking

In the past, groups that transmit frequently, such as police departments, 
were restricted to transmitting on just a few frequencies.  This resulted 
in heavy traffic and often required 2-way radio users to wait for a 
specific frequency to clear before transmitting. 

Trunked systems allow more groups of 2-way radio users to use fewer 
frequencies.  Instead of selecting a specific frequency to transmit on, a 
trunked system chooses one of several frequencies when the 2-way radio 
user presses PTT (push to talk).  The system automatically transmits the 
call on that frequency, and also sends a code that identifies that 2-way 
radio user's transmission on a control channel. 

This scanner lets you easily hear both the call and response transmissions 
for that 2-way radio user and therefore follow the conversation.  For 
Motorola and LTR systems, the scanner uses the subaudible data sent with 
each transmission to identify talk groups.  For EDACS, the scanner 
monitors the control channel between each transmission to identify talk 

Programming Trunking Frequencies

Program trunking frequencies just as you program normal non-trunked 
frequencies, but store the appropriate mode (MO, ED, LT) with each 

Notes:  EDACS systems must be stored in banks by themselves.  You can, 
        however, mix Motorola, or LTR and conventional channels in a bank.

        During trunking operation, lock out all data channels.  (See 
        "Locking Out Channels or Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 58070.)

1.  Press PGM and select the bank, then press TRUNK to enter the ID
    program mode.

2.  Press MODE to select LT for EF Johnson, MO for Motorola or ED for
    EDACS (GE/Ericsson) system to scan.  This sets the talk group ID
    decoding method to be used for the bank.

    Note:  If you programmed a Motorola Type I or Hybrid system, see 
           "Programming Fleet Maps," below.

Programming Fleet Maps

If you want to receive a Motorola Type I system, you need to set the fleet 

Fleet maps are included along with other information about Motorola Type I 
systems on the internet.  To program the fleet map:

1.  Press PGM.

2.  Press TRUNK.

3.  Press FUNC, /\ or \/ to select the bank.

4.  Press FUNC.

5.  Press 8 and the display below appears. 

            Block 0 size
            code. Use 15
            for type II.

6.  Enter the size code information supplied with the Type I system
    information, referring to the instruction that appears on the display.
    If the information was not supplied, try these common fleet maps. 

O                      Size Code
K      1     2     3     4     5     6     7      8

0      S11   S4    S4    S12   S4    S3    S10    S1
1      S11   S4    S4    -     S4    S10   S10    S1

2      S11   S4    S4    S4    S12   S4    S11    S2

3      S11   S4    S4    S4    -     S4    S4     S2

4      S11   S4    S4    S4    S4    S12   S4     S3

5      S11   S4    S4    S4    S4    -     S4     S3     

6      S11   S4    S12   S4    S4    S12   S4     S4

7      S11   S4    -     S4    S4    -     S4     S4

O                        Size Code
K      9     10    11    12    13    14    15     16

0      S4    S0    S4    S0    S3    S4    S4     S3

1      S4    S0    S0    S0    S3    S3    S4     S10

2      S0    S0    S0    S0    S11   S10   S4     S10

3      S0    S0    S0    S0    S4    S4    S11    S11
4      S0    S0    S0    S0    S4    S4    S11    S0

5      S0    S0    S0    S0    S0    S4    S0     S0

6      S0    S4    S0    S0    S0    S12   S12    S12

7      S0    S4    S0    S4    S0    -     -      -

7.  Enter the size code and press ENTER for each entry.  If you make a
    mistake, press CL and enter the correct size code.

    Note:  The default setting of the bank is for Motorola Type II.  
           However, after you set Type I and if you want to return to Type 
           II, press 15 at Step 5.

8.  To confirm the input, repeat Steps 1-6 and press ENTER.  Each time you
    press ENTER, you confirm the size code. If you find an error, press CL 
    and begin again at Step 1.

Talk Group ID's 

You can program up to 100 talk group ID's in each bank.  When the scanner 
stops on a transmission in the LTR, Motorola, or EDACS mode, it checks to 
see if the ID has been stored.  In the Closed mode, the scanner only stops 
on the transmission and displays its text tag if you have stored and not 
locked out the ID.  In the Open mode, the scanner always stops on a 
transmission, but it displays the ID's text tag if you have stored the ID. 

Storing Talk Group ID's

To store a talk group ID when scanning, press TRUNK when the scanner stops 
on a transmission.  The bottom line changes to ID # XXXX indicating that 
the ID is stored.

Note:  When you try to store more than 100 talk group ID's in a bank, 
       Memory full! appears.  Clear some talk group ID's in order to store
       new ones (see "Clearing Talk Group ID's" below).

Follow these steps to manually store talk group ID's or to edit a stored 

1.  Press PGM.

2.  Press TRUNK.

3.  To select the bank you want to store the ID to, press FUNC, then press
    /\ or \/.

4.  Press MODE to select LT, MO, or ED. 

5.  Enter the talk group ID and press ENTER. If necessary, use the decimal
    point for a hyphen. 

    Note:  If you made a mistake in Step 4, Invalid ID appears and the
           scanner beeps when you press ENTER.  Start again at Step 3.

6.  Press TEXT and enter the text tag for the ID and press ENTER. 

7.  To store the next ID memory in sequence, press /\ and repeat Steps 4 
    and 5 to enter more IDs.

8.  Press SCAN to start scanning.

Talk Group ID Hold

You can set your scanner to follow a trunking signal, which you wish to 
track while scanning.  Hold down TRUNK more than 2 seconds.  ID hold ON  
appears on the display.

           S 208 |/| ..D.+ MO
           850. 6625 MHz
           Bank 2  Ch 08
           ID hold ON.

To release ID hold ON, press SCAN or TRUNK.

Locking Out Talk Groups ID

Note:  You can only lock out talk group ID's when the scanner is in the 
       closed mode (see "Open and Closed Modes" below).

To lock out a talk group ID, follow these steps:

1.  Press PGM.

2.  Press TRUNK.

3.  Press FUNC, /\ or \/ to move the desired bank.

4.  Press /\ or \/ to select the ID memory.

5.  Press L/OUT to lock out the ID.  L appears on the display.

6.  To remove the lock out from trunking ID, manually select the ID
    memory, and press L/OUT until L disappears from the display.

Reviewing Locked-Out Talk Group ID's

To review the talk group ID you locked out within a bank, follow these 

1.  Press PGM then press TRUNK.

2.  Press FUNC then press L/OUT. The locked out ID appears on the display.
    If the ID memory bank has no locked out ID, you hear the low beep tone 

3.  Press FUNC then press /\ or \/ to select a search bank. Or, just press
    /\ or \/ to search for any lockout ID's in a bank.

Clearing Talk Group ID's 

1.  Press PGM, then press TRUNK.

2.  Press FUNC, /\ or \/ to select ID memory.

3.  Press FUNC then press CL.

Clearing All Talk Group ID's in One Bank

You can clear all talk group ID's within a bank.  This lets you quickly 
delete all talk group ID's from a bank if, for example, you want to use 
the bank to store a different set of talk group ID's.

1.  Press PGM.

2.  Press TRUNK to enter a talk group ID memory mode. 

3.  Select a talk group ID bank using FUNC, /\ or \/.

4.  Press FUNC, then press 3.  Confirm list clear ?1 = YES Press other key
    for NO. appears on the display.

5.  Press 1 to clear the all talk group ID's within a bank.

Note:  To cancel the deletion, press any key except 1.  Please wait List 
       cleared appears on the display and the scanner returns to the talk 
       group ID memory mode.

Open And Closed Modes

When set to the open mode, the scanner only uses the ID list to look up ID 
text tags and stops on any ID code. 

When set to the closed mode, the scanner stops only on signals that have 
an ID code that is found in the ID list for the bank. 

Note:  When you select a channel manually, any transmission opens squelch, 
       regardless of the current mode.

               Closed Mode

            S005 |/|..D.- FM
            146.5000 MHz
            Bank 0 Ch 05

The open or closed mode is set in each channel storage bank.  + or - is 
displayed under the channel storage bank's number while scanning.  Or, the 
status display shows the OPEN/CLOSED mode at the top line while the 
scanner is in manual mode or while the scanner is receiving a signal 
during scanning. 

When no ID code is programmed into the scanner, it receives the signal in 
PL, DPL, LTR, MOT, or ED mode without regarding the open or closed mode.  
The scanner displays the detected code. 

Mode                     Open                          Closed

PL and DPL     Accepts any PL and DPL.         Accepts only the PL or DPL
               Displays the received tone.     stored in the channel.

MOT/ED/LTR     Stops on any transmission.      Only stops on transmission
               If the ID is stored, displays   if the ID is stored.
               the text tag, otherwise dis-    Displays the text tag.
               plays the talk group ID.
Changing the Open/Closed Mode

To change the OPEN/CLOSED mode, follow these steps:

1.  Press MANUAL.

2.  To select the channel-storage bank, press FUNC and /\ or \/.

3.  Press FUNC then press 2.  Bank OPEN or Bank CLOSED appears.

4.  After that message disappears, the 10th right most digit at the top of 
    the line of the display changes from + to - or - to +.

5.  Repeat Steps 2-4 for each bank.

(BR EB - 12/20/99)

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