PRO-2052 1000-Channel Dual Trunking Home Scanner
(200-0432)                 PC Remote Function         Faxback Doc. # 58689

Your scanner's PC Remote function lets you connect the scanner to a 
computer then use the computer to operate most of the scanner's functions, 
the same way as if you were using the keys on the scanner's front panel.

Connecting The Scanner To A Computer

CAUTION:  Always turn off the computer before connecting or disconnecting 
          your scanner.  Otherwise you could damage your computer or the 

To connect the scanner to your computer plug one end of the supplied 9-pin
serial cable into REMOTE on the back of the scanner, then plug the other
end of the cable into your computer's serial port.

Setting The Remote Communication Format

To set the remote communication format so the scanner and computer can 
communicate with each other, use standard Windows communications software 
(such as Modem Master or Hyper Terminal, not supplied).  See your 
software's documentation for more information about operating it.

Software Settings

Use the following settings for the communications software.

  BPS rate           2400/4800/9600/19200 BPS

  Start/Stop bit     1 bit

  Data Length        8 bit

  Parity Check       None

  Code               ASCII

  Flow Control       None

  Return Code        Carriage Return only

Scanner Settings

If necessary, follow these steps to change your scanner's BPS (bits per 
second) rate.

Note:  All other functions are inactive while you set the BPS rate. 

1.  Hold down REMOTE and turn on your scanner.  The current BPS rate

2.  If necessary, press /\ or \/ to change the BPS rate. 

3.  Press E.

4.  Turn off the scanner.

Turning The Remote Function On And Off

To turn the remote function on or off, hold down REMOTE until the scanner 
beeps.  SFT flashes when the remote function is turned on.

PC To Scanner Commands

Follow these steps to enter commands to operate the scanner using your 

1.  Make sure your computer and scanner are connected (see "Connecting the
    Scanner to a Computer" above).

2.  Run your computer's communication software (see "Setting the Remote
    Communication Format" above).

3.  Type a command listed in the following table then press Enter on your
    computer's keyboard.

      For this operation            Type this command

      Scan                          KEY00

      Manual                        KEY01

      Select channel 0-9            KEY02

      . (decimal point)/Clear       KEY03         

      E (Enter)                     KEY04

      Priority/scan speed           KEY05

      L/O or Skip                   KEYO6

      Hold/ /\ (up)/Remote          KEY07

      Limit/ \/ (down)              KEY08

      Search                        KEY09

      SVC                           KEY10

      Data                          KEY11

      Delay                         KEY12

      Trunk                         KEY13

      Shift                         KEY14

PC To Scanner Functions List

For the following functions, type the command then press Enter on your 
computer's keyboard.

Function                          Command

Check frequency stored in         PM###
a channel #                       where ### equals the three-digit channel 

Check if Delay is on.             DL

Clear the scanner's memory        AC

Check if Data Skip is on          DS

Check if Lockout is on            LO

Check the lower limit             LL
frequency for a limit

Set the lower limit               LL########
frequency for a limit             where ######## equals the frequency

Check the upper limit             UL
frequency for a limit

Set the upper limit               UL########
frequency for a limit             where ######## equals the frequency

Check the status of the           MA
current channel

Go to a specific channel          MA###
                                  Where ### equals the three-digit channel

Check the scanner's mode          MD

Check a bank's priority           PCn
channel number 

Note: Enter a letter instead of
      the bank number. Example:
      "C" for bank 3.

Set a bank's priority Channel     PCn###
                                  where ### equals the three-digit channel

Check if Priority is on           PR

Turn Priority on/off              PRN/PRF

Check the frequency in            PM###
a channel                         where ### equals the three-digit channel

Add a frequency to a              PM### ########
Channel                           where ### equals the three-digit channel 
                                  number and ######## equals the frequency

Check if Squelch Monitor          QU
is on

Turn Squelch Monitor              QUN/QUF

Check if Priority Monitor         RI
is on

Turn Priority Monitor             RIN/RIF

Check scanner modulation          RM

Check which banks are             SB

Select banks for scanning         SB x
                                  Where x equals a matching letter 
                                  equivalent to the bank you want to scan.  
                                  For example, to scan bank 5, type E.  
                                  Or, to scan banks 3 and 7, type CG.

Check if Squelch is open          SQ

Check for a frequency in          SS##
search skip memory                where ## equals the two-digit memory 

Enter a frequency in              SS########
search skip memory                where ######## equals the frequency

Tune scanner to                   RF########
specific frequency                where ######## equals the frequency

Check a Trunk ID                  IC
memory number 

Set a Trunk ID memory             IC x
number                            where x equals a matching letter 
                                  equivalent to the trunk ID memory number

Check if Trunk ID monitor is      ID

Turn Trunk ID Monitor on/off      IDN/IDF

Check if Trunk ID number is in    IL###
is in lockout memory

Enter a Type 1 Trunk ID into      ILR xyy-zz
Lockout memory                    where x = a block number
                                  yy = a fleet number
                                  zz = a subfleet number

Enter a Type 2 Trunk ID into      ILR nnnnn
Lockout memory                    N- ID number

Confirm EDACS ID mode             AF

Change ID to AFS or decimal       AFN/AFF

Check if S-Bit on                 BT

Turn S-Bit on/off                 BTN/BTF

Program fleet block on            FB & # %%
Scanner                           where & = a bank (A-T)
                                  # = a fleet map block number (0-7)
                                  %% = a block size indicator

Check if Frequency
identification active             FI

Turn Frequency                    FIN/FIF
Identification on/off

Check for Speaker                 MU?
Muting mode on/off

Check Speaker Muting mode         MU

Set Speaker Muting on/auto/off    MUN/MUA/MUF

Confirm scan list priority ID     PI#
Location                          where # equals an ID location number

Set scan list priority ID         PI @ #
Location                          where @ equals an ID list number and
                                  # equals an ID location number

Check EDACS ID range mode         RG

Set EDACS ID range mode           RG @
                                  Where @ equals a partial EDACS ID.  For 
                                  example, a partial EDACS ID could be
                                  01-, 01-02.

Read scanner information          SI

Check for active trunking         TB

Check status of Tone              TD

Turn Tone Detection on/off        TDN/TDF

Program Talk Group ID             TG * @%&##$$
                                  Where * = a bank number
                                  @ = an ID scan list
                                  % = an ID location
                                  $ = a block number
                                  ## = a fleet number
                                  $$ = a sub fleet number

Set trunking on bank of           TR & # %%%%%%%%$$$$
channels                          where $ = a bank (A-T)
                                  # = a trunking type
                                  % = a base frequency
                                  $ = an offset step

Scanner To PC Responses

The scanner sometimes returns responses via your computer and software.  
You might see any of the following codes.

Code                Meaning

NG              Invalid command

ERR             Command format error

ORER            Overrun error

OK              Command received

CXXX            Channel number

FXXXXXXXX       Frequency

TN              Trunking frequency

TF              Conventional frequency

XN              (Function) On

XF              (Function) Off

Scanner Mode Codes

The scanner sometimes returns information about the mode it is operating 
in via your computer and software.  You might see any of the following 

Code   For this Mode

00     Scan

01     Manual

02     Limit Search

03     Limit Search Hold

04     Service Scan

05     Service Scan Hold

06     Program

07     EDACS Program

08     System Program

09     ID Search

10     ID Search Hold

11     ID Scan

12     ID Manual

13     ID Lockout Review

14     Search Control Channel

15     EDACS ID Search

16     EDACS ID Hold

17     EDACS ID Scan

18     EDACS ID Manual

19     EDACS ID Lockout

20     EDACS Search Control Channel     

21     VFO

(BR EB 2/22/00)

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