PRO-50  (200-0307)           Troubleshooting           Faxback Doc. # 6195

If you have problems with your scanner, here are some suggestions which 
might help.

Problem                                       Solution

Scanners is totally inoperative.             Batteries are low or power is
                                             not connected.

No or poor reception.                        The antenna is not correctly

                                             Poor reception environment.

                                             Frequencies are not correctly

ERROR appears on the display.                Programming error - confirm

Keyboard does not work.                      The keylock function is

Keys do not work or                          Reset the scanner.
display changes at random.

Scanner is on but will not scan.             The SQUELCH control is not
                                             correctly adjusted.

                                             Adjust the SQUELCH control

In the scan, mode, the scanner               Adjust the squelch control
locks on frequencies that have               clockwise.
an unclear transmission.

Birdies                                      Avoid programming frequencies
                                             listed In the manual, or only
                                             listen to them manually.

If none of the above suggestions help, take your scanner to your local
Radio Shack store for assistance.


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