PRO-23  (200-0504)          Troubleshooting           Faxback Doc. # 6493

If you have problems, here are some suggestions which might help.

PROBLEM                  POSSIBLE CAUSE            REMEDY

Scanner is totally       No power.                 Check to see that the
inoperative.                                       scanner is connected
                                                   to a working power

Scanner is on but        SQUELCH is not            Adjust SQUELCH by
will not scan.           correctly adjusted.       turning it clockwise.

In the scan mode,        "Birdies."                Avoid programming
the scanner locks                                  Frequencies listed on
on frequencies                                     Page 27, or only
that have an                                       listen to them
unclear transmission.                              manually.

If none of these suggested remedies solves the problem, contact your
local Radio Shack store for assistance.


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