Pro-89 200-Channel VHF/Air/UHF 800 MHz Handheld Race Scanner
(200-0514) Understanding Scanners Faxback Doc. # 60475
Once you understand a few simple terms used in this manual and familiarize
yourself with your scanner's features, you can put the scanner to work for
you. You simply determine the type of communications you want to receive,
then set the scanner to scan them.
A frequency is the tuning location of a station (expressed in kHz or MHz).
To find active frequencies, you can use the search function.
You can also search the service-section banks, which are preset groups of
frequencies categorized by type of service.
When you find a frequency, you can store it into a programmable memory
location called a channel, which is grouped with your other channels in a
channel-storage bank. You can then scan the channel-storage banks to see
if there is activity on the frequencies stored there. Each time the
scanner finds an active frequency, it stays on that channel until the
transmission ends.
A Look At The Keypad
If your scanner's keys seem confusing at first, the following information
should help you understand each key's function.
Note: Some of the scanner's keys perform more than one function and are
marked with more than one label. The steps in this Owner's Manual
show only the label on the key appropriate to the action being
CAR - Lets you store car numbers and frequencies in the scanner's
channels, add and delete frequencies from car numbers,
display car numbers, and listen to the channel where a car
number is stored.
Each time you press CAR, you see the following information
in the following order:
Manual Mode
Car Number Input Mode
Car Number Display Mode
Car Number Input Mode
Manual Mode
BAND - Lets you search the scanner's preprogrammed service-search
PRI/ALERT - Turns the priority feature on and off; turns the WX alert
mode on and off.
WX - Scans the seven preprogrammed weather channels.
SCAN - Scans any programmed channels.
MAN - Stops scanning and lets you directly enter a channel number
Number Keys - Each key has a single-digit (0 to 9) and a range of numbers
Use the single digits to enter a channel or frequency. The
range of numbers above the key (21-40 for example) indicate
the channels that make up a channel-storage bank. See
"Understanding Banks" below.
/\ / \/ - Searches up or down for active frequencies or selects the
direction when scanning channels.
L/O RVW/L/O - Reviews locked-out frequencies; lets you lock out selected
channels or frequencies.
MON/CL - Lets you listen to frequencies stored in the 20 monitor
memories; clears an incorrect entry.
LIGHT/ - Locks and unlocks the keypad to prevent accidental entries;
(key symbol) turns the backlight on and off.
PGM - Programs frequencies into channels.
DELAY/(.) - Programs a 2-second delay for the selected channel; enters
a decimal point.
ENT (enter) - Enters frequencies into channels.
A Look At The Display
The display has indicators that show the scanner's current operating
status. This quick look at the display will help you understand how your
scanner operates.
(key symbol) - Appears when you lock the keypad.
BANK - Appears with numbers (1-10) to indicate the scan bank. Bank
numbers with a bar under them show which banks are turned
on for scanning (see "Understanding Banks" below).
MRN - Indicates that the scanner is searching the marine service
CAR # - Appears when you store car numbers and frequencies into the
scanner's channels, add and delete frequencies from car
numbers, display car numbers, and move to the channel where
a car number is stored.
WX - Indicates that the scanner is searching the weather
FD/PD - Indicates that the scanner is searching the fire/police
service bank.
AIR - Indicates that the scanner is searching the air service
HAM - Indicates that the scanner is searching the amateur radio
service bank.
/\ / \/ - Indicates the search or scan direction.
[M] - Flashes with a number (1-20) to show which monitor memory
you are listening to.
CH - Appears with digits (1-200) or P and a frequency to show
which channel the scanner is tuned to.
[B] - Appears when the batteries are low.
[L/O] - Appears when you manually select a channel that was
(lockout) previously locked out during scanning or when you review a
locked-out frequency.
SRCH - Appears during service bank and direct frequency searches.
SCAN - Appears when the scanner scans channels.
MAN - Appears when you manually select a channel.
PGM - Appears when you program frequencies into the scanner's
PRI - Appears when the priority feature is turned on.
DLY - Appears when you program as 2-second delay.
Error - Appears when you make an entry error.
-dUPL- - Appears when you try to store a frequency that is already
stored in another channel.
-d- - Appears during a direct frequency search.
-b- - Appears during a service bank frequency search (except auto
race and marine bank).
CAr - Appears when you listen to the car race service bank.
Car No._ _ _ - Appears when you input the car number.
Ch-FULL - Appears when you try to enter a frequency into a channel
during a search when all channels are full.
F L-out - Appears when you start a direct search from a locked-out
Flo-FULL - Appears when you try to lock out a frequency during a
search when 50 frequencies are already locked out.
L-r - Appears when you review the locked-out frequencies.
dEFAULt - Appears when you remove all the lock-outs from the service
bank frequencies.
Flo ALL-CL - Appears when you remove all the locked-out frequencies
during a service bank or direct search.
L-o Ch0000 - Appears when you clear all locked-out channels.
Lo ALL-CL - Appears when you remove all lockouts from channels.
ALL Ch0000 - Appears when you clear all stored channels.
P - Appears when the scanner is tuned to the priority channel.
ALErt - Appears when the weather alert is on.
On Air - Appears when you set on-air programming mode to program
frequencies into your scanner.
WirEd - Appears when you set wired programming mode to program
frequencies into your scanner.
StArt - Appears when the scanner starts wired or on-air
C-Err - Appears when the scanner receives a check-sum error during
wired or on-air programming.
d-Err - Appears when the scanner receives a data error during wired
or on-air programming.
End - Appears when the scanner has finished wired or on-air
OFF tonE - Appears when you turn off the key tone.
On tonE - Appears when you turn on the key tone.
P, -SA - Appears when the power save function is turned on.
On P, -SA - Appears when you turn on power save.
OFF P, -SA - Appears when you turn off power save.
On Aut. Lit - Appears when you turn on the auto backlight.
OFF Aut. Lit - Appears when you turn off the auto backlight.
Understanding Banks
Channel Storage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen
to, channels are divided into 10 banks of 20 channels each. Use each
channel storage bank to group frequencies, such as those used by the
police department, fire department, ambulance services, or aircraft (see
"Guide to the Action Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 60480).
For example, the police department might use four frequencies, one for
each side of town. You could program the police frequencies starting with
Channel 1 (the first channel in bank 1) and program the fire department
frequencies starting with Channel 21 (the first channel in bank 2).
Service Banks
The scanner is preprogrammed with the frequencies allocated by auto
racing, fire/police, aircraft, ham radio, and marine services. This is
handy for quickly finding active frequencies instead of searching through
an entire band (see "Searching the Service Banks" in Faxback Doc. #
Note: The frequencies in the scanner's service banks are preset. You
cannot change them.
Auto Racing
Frequency Step Frequency Step
Group Range (MHz) (kHz) Group Range (MHz) (kHz)
1 150.995-151.995 5 3(cont.) 855.5625 -
152.870-153.725 5 855.5875
154.490-154.625 5 855.7375
2 460.000-470.000 12.5 855.7875
3 851.0375 - 856.7875
851.6625 856.9125
852.0375 857.8375
852.1875 858.7375
853.1625 858.7875
853.2625 858.8375
853.4875 859.8375
854.2625 865.6125
854.2875 865.6625
854.7875 865.7125
855.0375 936.2125
855.2875 937.1500
855.5125 937.2000
Frequency Step Frequency Step
Group Range (MHz) (kHz) Group Range (MHz) (kHz)
1 33.420-33.980 20 2(cont.) 155.0100-155.3700 60
37.020-37.420 20 155.4150-155.7000 15
39.020-39.980 20 155.7300-156.2100 60 20 158.7300-159.2100 60
44.620-45.860 40 166.2500 -
45.880 - 170.1500 -
45.900 - 3 453.0375-453.9625 12.5
45.940-46.060 40 458.0375-458.9625 12.5
46.080-46.500 20 460.0125-460.6375 12.5
2 153.770-154.130 60 465.0125-465.6375 12.5
154.145-154.445 15 4 856.2125-860.9875 25
154.650-154.950 15 866.0125-868.9875 12.5
Frequency Step
Range (MHz) (kHz)
108.00-136.9875 12.5
Amateur Radio
Frequency Step
Group Range (MHz) (kHz)
1 29.000-29.700 5
2 50.000-54.000 5
3 144.000-148.000 5
4 420.000-450.000 12.5
Channel Frequency (MHz) Channel Frequency (MHz)
06 156.3000 64 156.2250
07 156.3500 65 156.2750
08 156.4000 66 156.3250
09 156.4500 67 156.3750
10 156.5000 68 156.4250
11 156.5500 69 156.4750
12 156.6000 70 156.5250
13 156.6500 71 156.5750
14 156.7000 72 156.6250
15 156.7500 73 156.6750
16 156.8000 74 156.7250
17 156.8500 77 156.8750
18 156.9000 78 156.9250
19 156.9500 79 156.9750
20 157.0000/161.6000 80 157.0250
21 157.0500 81 157.0750
22 157.1000 82 157.1250
23 157.1500 83 157.1750
24 157.2000/161.8000 84 157.2250/161.8250
25 157.2500/161.8500 85 157.2750/161.8750
26 157.3000/161.9000 86 157.3250/161.9250
27 157.3500/161.9500 87 157.3750/161.9750
28 157.4000/162.0000 88 157.4250
Note: Both frequencies (transmission and reception) are shown for marine
channels used for duplex transmission.
Monitor Memories
The scanner has 20 monitor memories that you can use to temporarily store
frequencies while you decide whether to save them into channels. This is
handy for quickly storing an active frequency when you are searching
through an entire band. You can store a frequency into a monitor memory
during a service bank or direct search. See "Finding and Storing Active
Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 60476.
You can select monitor memories manually, but you cannot scan them. See
"Listening to a Monitor Memory" in Faxback Doc. # 60476.
(BR EB 7/14/00)
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