Pro-89 200-Channel VHF/Air/UHF 800 MHz Handheld Race Scanner
(200-0514) Troubleshooting Faxback Doc. # 60481
If your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help
you eliminate the problem. If the scanner still does not operate properly,
take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Scanner is totally The AC or DC adapter Be sure the adapter's barrel
inoperative. is not connected. plug Is fully inserted into
the PWR DC 9V jack.
The batteries are Replace the batteries with
Dead. fresh Ones, or recharge the
rechargeable batteries.
Poor or no recep- An antenna is not Make sure an antenna is
tion. connected or is properly connected to the
connected incorrectly. scanner.
Programmed frequencies Avoid programming frequencies
are the same as "bir- listed under "Birdie
die" frequencies. Frequencies" in Faxback Doc.
# 60480 or only listen to
them manually.
Keypad does not Keylock is turned on. Turn off the keylock.
The scanner might need Turn the scanner off then on
to be reset or initia- again, or reset/initialize
lized. the scanner (see "Resetting/
Initializing the Scanner" in
Faxback Doc. # 60478.
Scanner is on but SQUELCH is not correc- Adjust SQUELCH clockwise.
but will not scan. tly adjusted.
Only one channel is Store frequencies into more
(or no channels are) than one channel.
During scanning, Programmed frequencies Avoid programming frequencies
the scanner locks are the same as listed under "Birdie
on frequencies that "birdie" frequencies. Frequencies" in Faxback Doc.
have an unclear # 60480 or only listen to
transmission. them manually.
(BR EB 7/14/00)
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