Outdoor Scanner Antenna
(200-0044)                 Connections                Faxback Doc. # 60533

Connecting Lead-In Cable To The Antenna

Follow these steps to connect the RG-58 coaxial lead-in cable to the

1.  Slide the supplied matching transformer's weatherboot over the end of
    the cable, then attach the supplied F-connector to the cable.

2.  Hold the sides of the mounting bracket open and press the bracket onto
    the boom until it snaps around the boom.  Slide the matching
    transformer into the bracket with its spade terminal ends pointing
    toward the end of the antenna's main boom.

3.  Thread the spade terminal ends through either slot of the antenna's
    strain-relief tab.  Use the supplied washers and wing nuts to secure
    the ends to the antenna's lead-in terminals.

4.  Attach the coaxial cable's F-connector to the transformer.

Attaching To The Mast

1.  Slide the antenna's mast clamp assembly over the end of the mast. Then
    tighten the mast clamp assembly's lock nuts to hold the antenna in
    place.  Take care not to overtighten the nuts.

2.  Attach the BNC connector end of the supplied coaxial cable to the
    scanner antenna's lead-in terminal.

Notes: Use plastic tape to secure the cable to the mast at about 3 foot

       Use coaxial nail clips every few feet to secure the cable to walls.

       Use a 75-Ohm grounding block where the cable enters the house. Read
       the separate Consumer Product Safety Commission Information Sheet
       for grounding instructions.

       Use a wall-through tube to neatly route the cable through walls.

(Glw EB 7/24/00)

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