PRO-71 VHF/UHF/Air Handheld Scanner
(200-0311A) Operation Faxback Doc. # 60713
Turning On The Scanner And Setting Squelch
1. Make sure that SQUELCH is turned fully counterclockwise before you
turn on the scanner.
2. Turn VOLUME clockwise until you hear a hissing sound.
3. Turn SQUELCH clockwise, just until the hissing sound stops.
Note: If you want to listen to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH
counterclockwise. If reception is poor, turn SQUELCH clockwise.
Storing Frequencies
Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.
1. Press MANUAL, then enter the channel number (1-100) where you want
to store a frequency.
2. Press PROGRAM. PGM appears.
3. Use the number keys and (MON/CLR) to enter the frequency (including
the decimal point) you want to store.
4. Press E (WX) to store the frequency.
Notes: If you entered an incorrect frequency in Step 3. Error appears and
the scanner beeps three times. Start again from Step 3.
Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the
nearest valid frequency. For example, if you enter a frequency of
151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.475.
5. Repeat Steps 1-4 to program more channels. Or, if you want to program
the next channel in sequence, repeat Steps 2-4.
To listen to a frequency you have stored, press MANUAL, the channel
number, then MANUAL again.
Searching For And Temporarily Storing Active Frequencies
Good references for active frequencies are the RadioShack "Police Call",
"Aeronautical Frequency Directory," and "Maritime Frequency Directory."
We update these directories every year, so be sure to get a current copy.
If you do not have a reference to frequencies in your area, or if you want
to search for unlisted frequencies in your area, or if you want to search
for unlisted frequencies, use a limit search or direct search. See also
"Guide to the Action Bands" in Faxback Doc. # 60715.
Limit Search
A limit search lets you search for active frequencies between upper and
lower limits that you set. -L- appears during a limit search.
When you are in the search mode, MON appears and the flashing number at
the top of the display indicates the currently selected monitor memory.
Once you have stored a frequency into that monitor memory, press \/ or /\.
The scanner shifts to the next monitor memory and restarts the search
1. Press PROGRAM then LIMIT. Lo appears.
2. Enter the lower limit of the frequency range you want to search.
3. Press E then LIMIT. Hi appears.
Note: If the frequency you entered is not a valid frequency, Error
appears. Enter a different frequency then repeat Step 3.
4. Enter the upper limit of the frequency range.
5. Press E then press LIMIT. Lo and the lower limit frequency appear.
6. Press \/ to search from the upper to the lower limit, or /\ to search
from the lower to the upper limit. The current monitor memory number
7. When the scanner stops on a transmission you want to save, press MON
(CLR) to store the frequency in the current monitor memory. The
current monitor memory number stops flashing.
8. Press either \/ or /\ to continue the search. If you saved a frequency
in a monitor memory, the monitor memory number advances by one and
starts flashing again. (If the last monitor memory was 10, the scanner
returns to monitor memory 1.)
9. To hold the frequency, press LIMIT. -H- appears.
To resume the limit search, press LIMIT again.
Notes: You can press \/ or /\ while -H- appears to step through the
frequencies toward the upper or lower limits.
If you tune to search skip frequency, L/O appears (see "Search
Skip Memory" in Faxback Doc. # 60714).
Direct Search
When you listen to a channel, you can search up or down from the displayed
frequency. -d- appears during a direct search.
1. To select a frequency stored in a channel, press MANUAL, use the
number keys to enter the channel number, then press MANUAL again.
2. Press \/ or /\ to search up or down from the selected frequency.
3. When the scanner stops on a transmission, press MON to store that
frequency in the current monitor memory. Or, press \/ or /\ to
continue the search.
4. To hold the frequency, press LIMIT. -h- appears.
To resume the direct search, press LIMIT again.
Notes: You can press \/ or /\ while -H- appears to step through the
frequencies toward the upper or lower limits.
If you tune to a search skip frequency, L/O appears (see
"Search Skip Memory" in Faxback Doc. # 60714).
Listening To Monitor Memories
Once you have stored frequencies into monitor memories using a direct or
limit search, you can listen to the monitor memories by pressing MANUAL,
MON, then the number for the monitor memory you want to listen to. Use the
1-9 number keys for memories 1-9, and 0 for memory 10.
Moving A Frequency From A Monitor Memory To A Channel
Follow these steps to move a frequency stored in a monitor memory to a
permanent channel.
1. Press MANUAL. MAN appears.
2. Enter the number (1-100) for the channel where you want to store the
monitor frequency. The channel number appears.
3. Press PROGRAM.
4. Press MON then the number of the monitor memory number that has the
frequency you want to store. The channel number flashes.
5. Press E. The scanner stores the frequency in the selected channel, and
the channel number stops flashing.
Manually Selecting A Channel
You can continuously monitor a specific channel without scanning. This is
useful if you hear an emergency broadcast on a channel and do not want to
miss any details - even though there might be periods of silence - or you
want to monitor a specific channel.
Follow these steps to manually select a channel.
1. Press MANUAL.
2. Enter the channel number.
3. Press MANUAL again.
Or, if the scanner is scanning and stops at the desired channel, press
MANUAL once. (Pressing MANUAL additional times causes your scanner to step
through the channels.)
To resume automatic scanning after manually selecting a channel, press
(GLW EB 8/3/00)
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