PRO-2050 VHF/UHF/Air/800 MHz 300-Channel Trunk Tracker Home Scanner
(200-0430A) Troubleshooting Faxback Doc. # 61198
If your scanner is not working as it should, these suggestions might help
you eliminate the problem. If the scanner still does not operate properly,
take it to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Scanner is on but SQUELCH is not correctly Adjust SQUELCH
will not scan. adjusted. clockwise.
Only one channel or Store frequencies into
no channels are stored. more than one channel.
Scanner is totally No power. Make sure the scanner
inoperative. is plugged into a
working AC or DC
The AC or DC adapter is Be sure the adapter's
not connected. barrel plug is fully
inserted into the DC
12V jack.
The scanner must be reset. Reset the scanner (see
"Resetting the
Scanner" below).
Poor or no reception An antenna is not conn- Make sure an antenna
ected or connected in- is connected to the
correctly. scanner.
Error appears. Programming error. Reprogram the
frequency correctly,
including the decimal
In the scan mode, the Programmed frequencies Avoid programming
scanner locks on freq- are the same as "birdie" frequencies listed
uencies that have an frequencies. under "Birdie
unclear transmission. Frequencies" on
Faxback Doc. # 61196
or only listen to them
Scanner will not track The transmission might not Scan another
a trunked system. use a system that can be transmission.
tracked by your scanner.
The data frequency is Find the data
missing. frequency (see
"Programming Trunked
Frequencies" on
Faxback Doc. # 61195.
The system you are trying Set the scanner to
to track is a Type I sys- receive Type I trunked
tem, and the scanner is frequencies. See
set to scan Type II sys- "Scanning Type I and
tems. Hybrid Trunked
Systems" on Faxback
Doc. # 61195
Scanner will not stop The IDs you have stored Scan another
while scanning a scan are not active. transmission.
Scanner will not SQUELCH is not correctly Adjust squelch for
acquire a data channel. adjusted for trunk track- trunk tracking. See
ing. "Setting Squelch for
the Trunk Tracking
Mode" on Faxback Doc.
# 61195.
The frequency used for the Add the frequency used
data channel is missing. for the data channel
to the frequency list.
(see "Programming
Trunked Frequencies"
on Faxback Doc. #
Missing replies to The system you are trying Set the scanner to
conversations. to track is a Type I sys- receive Type I trunked
tem, and the scanner is frequencies. See
set to scan Type II sys- "Scanning Type I and
tems. Hybrid Trunked
Systems" on Faxback
Doc. # 61195.
The selected fleet map is Try another preset
incorrect. fleet map or program
your own fleet map
(see "Scanning Type I
and Hybrid Trunked
Systems" on Faxback
Doc. # 61195).
Not all of the trunk's Enter all of the
frequencies have been trunk's frequencies.
Channel activity indi- The transmission might be Scan for another
cators are lighting a private or telephone transmission.
but no sound is heard. interconnect call. The
scanner does not scan these
types of transmissions.
The ID is locked out. Unlock the ID (see
"Unlocking a Single
ID" or "Unlocking all
IDs" on Faxback Doc.
# 61195).
Resetting The Scanner
You might need to reset the scanner if any of the following occur:
The scanner's display locks up.
The scanner does not work properly after you connect power.
The scanner is dropped or subjected to a physical or electrical shock.
CAUTION: This procedure clears all the information you have programmed
into the scanner. Use this procedure only when you are sure
your scanner is not working properly.
1. Turn off the scanner.
2. While you press and hold down 2 and 9, turn on the scanner.
Note: It takes about 10 seconds until the reset is completed. CLEAr
appears during resetting.
CAUTION: Do not turn off the scanner while you reset it.
(GLW EB 8/22/00)
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