PRO-92 Handheld Scanner
(200-0522A)                Operation                  Faxback Doc. # 61681

Turning On The Scanner And Setting Squelch

1.  Turn SQUELCH fully counterclockwise until the indicator points to MIN 
    before you turn on the scanner.

2.  To turn on the scanner, turn VOLUME clockwise. Welcome To Multi-System 
    Trunking appears. After about 3 seconds, you hear a hissing sound.

3.  Turn SQUELCH clockwise, just until the hissing sound stops.

4.  To turn off the scanner when you finish, turn VOLUME counterclockwise 
    to OFF. 

    Notes: The scanner does not scan if there are no frequencies stored in
           channels.  If the scanner does not scan and you have already
           stored frequencies in channels, turn SQUELCH further clockwise.

           If the scanner picks up unwanted, partial, or very weak
           transmissions, turn SQUELCH clockwise to decrease the scanner's
           sensitivity to these signals.  If you want to listen to a weak
           or distant station, turn SQUELCH counterclockwise.

           If SQUELCH is adjusted so you always hear a hissing sound, the 
           scanner will not scan properly.

           To ensure the scanner operates properly while in the trunking
           mode, we suggest you set SQUELCH using the above steps, even if
           the scanner is automatically muted.

Storing Known Frequencies Into Channels

Good references for active frequencies are the RadioShack's Police Call, 
Aeronautical Frequency Directory, and Maritime Frequency Directory.  We 
update these directories every year, so be sure to get a current copy.  
Also see the supplied Police Call Trunking Guide. 

Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels. 

1.  Press MANUAL, enter the channel number where you want to store a
    frequency, then press MANUAL again.  M and the channel number appears 
    at the upper left corner on the display (for example: M100).

                     Bank (1)
                       |  ____ Channel (00)
                       | |
          Manual ---->M100...D.+FM
                        0.0000 MHz
                      Bank 1 Ch 00

2.  Press PGM.  M changes to P.

3.  Use the number keys and . to enter the frequency (including the 
    decimal point) you want to store.

    If you make a mistake, hold down CL for about 1 second to delete a 
    single digit and about 2 seconds to delete all digits.

4.  Press ENTER to store the frequency into the channel.  The blinking 
    cursor disappears. 

    Notes: If you made a mistake in Step 3, Invalid Freq briefly appears 
           and the scanner beeps when you press ENTER.  Start again from 
           Step 3.

           Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the 
           nearest valid frequency. For example, if you enter a frequency
           of 151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.470.

           Press FUNC then press DELAY/1 to turn the delay function on or 
           off.  If you want the scanner to pause for 2 seconds on this 
           channel after a transmission before proceeding to the next
           active transmission, see "Using the Delay Function" in Faxback
           Doc. # 61682.  The scanner stores this setting in the channel.
           If you are storing frequencies for an EDACS system, you must 
           store them in logical channel number order, with the first 
           frequency in channel 1 for the current bank.

5.  If necessary, press MODE to change the receiving mode.  If you select 
    P/L or DPL, enter the PL or DPL code by pressing STEP (to move up
    through the codes) or FUNC then press STEP (to move down through 
    the codes).

6.  If desired, program a text tag for the channel (see "Assigning a Text 
    Tag to a channel," below).

7.  The next channel in sequence is ready for programming.  Press PGM and 
    then repeat Steps 3 through 5.

Storing Text Tags

You can customize your scanner by storing text tags (up to 12 characters) 
for easy identification of channel transmissions, trunk ID's, or banks.

Assigning a Text Tag to a Channel

1.  Press MANUAL, enter the channel number where you want to enter the 
    text, then press MANUAL again.  M and the channel number appear at the 
    upper left corner on the display (for example: M100).

2.  Press PGM.  M changes to P.

3.  Press TEXT.  The cursor appears at the 3rd line.

4.  Enter the text using the numeral keys (see "Text Input Chart," below). 

    Note: If you make a mistake, press \/ or /\ to move to the character 
          you want to change.

    For example input "HAM 6m" as follows:

    "H" is the second letter associated with 4 on the keypad.  Press 4
    then 2.

    "A" is the first letter associated with 2 on the keypad. Press 2 then

    "M" is the first letter associated with 6 on the keypad. Press 6 then

    "space" Press (.).

    "6" is the sixth number associated with 1 on the keypad. Press 1 then

    "m" is the first letter associated with 6 on the keypad.  Press 6 and 
    FUNC (for the lower case set), then press 1.

5.  Press ENTER to input the text.

Assigning a Text Tag to a Bank

1.  Press PGM.

2.  Select a channel within the desired bank by pressing MANUAL and 
    entering the bank number (000 for bank 0 or 200 for bank 2, for 
    example).  Press MANUAL again, then press PGM. 

3.  Press FUNC then press 6.  The cursor appears at the 3rd line on the 
    display.  Enter the text using the keypad and press ENTER.

        Bank name:

Note: If the channel is programmed for P/L, DPL, LTR, MOT or ED mode, the
      scanner displays the mode information on the 4th line.

Text Input Chart

Notes: To access the numbers, after you press FUNC and 6, press 1, then 
       press the desired number you want to enter.

       To enter a lowercase character or a character from the second set 
       for key 0, press FUNC after pressing the first numeral key.

Press      To Enter a Character from this Group

1          1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
2          A, B, C
FUNC 2     a, b, c
3          D, E, F
FUNC 3     d, e, f
4          G, H, I
FUNC 4     g, h, I
5          J, K, L
FUNC 5     j, k, l
6          M, N, O
FUNC 6     m, n, o
7          P, Q, R, S
FUNC 7     p, q, r, s
8          T, U, V
FUNC 8     t, u, v
9          W, X, Y, Z
FUNC 9     w, x, y, z
0          .  -  #  _  @  +  *  &  /  `
FUNC 0     $  %  !  ^  ( )  ?  >  `  ^
.          Space
CL         Back Space

Finding and Storing Active Frequencies

You can search for transmissions within ten ranges of frequencies, called 
search banks.  The search bank is divided into 10 search bands.  You can 
change the bands with the 60 preprogrammed search bands in the scanner 
(see "Search Banks" in Faxback Doc. # 61680).  You can also change the 
search bank's search ranges manually.

Notes: You can use the scanner's delay feature while searching the service
       bank.  See "Using the Delay Function" in Faxback Doc. # 61682.

       The scanner does not search locked-out frequencies while searching 

Searching a Preprogrammed Frequency Range

The scanner contains these preprogrammed search ranges, stored in search 
banks (0-9).

Search Bank      Search Range (MHz)         Description

0                460-460.625                Police
1                153.725-156.000            Police/Fire 
2                462.925-463.175            Medical
3                118.000-136.00             Aircraft
4                156.250-157.425            Marine
5                866.000-868.9875           800 MHz
6                50.000-54.000              6 Meter Ham
7                144.000-148.000            2-Meter Ham
8                440.000-450.000            70 cm Ham
9                462.550-462.725            User Bank

Follow these steps to select preprogrammed search ranges and search them 
for active frequencies.

1.  Press SEARCH.  The scanner searches the active search bank.

          Current SEARCH BANK --->(0)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                  Search up...

                                  Priority OFF

    Note:  To reverse a search direction, press /\ or \/.

2.  Using the number keys, enter the search bank number for each search 
    range you want to select or remove.

3.  When the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops searching.  To 
    save the frequency into a channel in the channel storage bank (bank 9 
    only), press FUNC then press ENTER. Stored @ 9xx (xx: channel number).
    Press \/ or /\ to continue searching for additional active frequencies

Notes: During search, you can manually change the band mode or frequency 
       step.  See "Changing the Receive Mode" or "Changing the Frequency
       Step" in Faxback Doc. # 61682.
       If bank 9 in the channel storage banks does not contain any empty 
       channels, Bank 9 full. appears on the display's lower line.

Storing a Frequency While Searching for a Specified Channel

1.  When the scanner stops on the frequency, press FUNC then TUNE.

2.  Press MANUAL. Select the specified channel using a number key then 
    press MANUAL again.

3.  Press PGM.

4.  Press FUNC, then TUNE to store the frequency.

5.  If desired, press SEARCH to resume searching.

Changing a Search Range with a Preprogrammed Range

You can replace the search range with one of the preprogrammed ranges.

1.  Press FUNC then SEARCH to enter search program mode.  PSR and the 
    search bank number of the current range appear at the display's upper
    left corner.

           460.0000 MHz
           460.6250 MHz
               25.0 kHz

2.  Press /\ or \/ to select the desired search bank you want to replace. 

3.  Press FUNC then press 5.  ?SR and the search bank number appear at the
    display's upper left corner.

           118.0000 MHz
           136.9750 MHz
           Air Band

    Note: After you press FUNC, press 5 within about 3 seconds. Otherwise,
          begin over at Step 1.

4.  Press /\ or \/ to select the preprogrammed search range.

5.  Press ENTER to replace the search range, then press SEARCH to begin

Manually Changing a Search Range

1.  Press FUNC then press SEARCH to enter search program mode.  PSR and a 
    search bank number appear at the display's upper left corner.

2.  Press /\ or \/ to select the search bank number.

3.  Use the number keys to enter the lower range you want to search and 
    store, then press ENTER to store the frequency. 

4.  Use the number keys to enter the higher range you want to search and
    store, then press ENTER again to store the frequency.

    Notes: If you enter a higher frequency first then enter a lower 
           frequency, the scanner automatically exchanges the frequencies 
           on the display.  It displays the lower frequencies first and 
           the higher frequency second.

           You cannot span across frequency bands.  When manually setting 
           search ranges, if you enter frequencies on different bands, the
           scanner does not accept the entry. 

5.  To assign a new name to the search range, press TEXT twice then enter
    the name. If you want to edit existing text, repeatedly press /\ or \/
    to move the cursor across the text.  Enter the appropriate text and
    press ENTER, then press SEARCH to resume searching.

Scanning The Channels

To begin scanning channels or to start scanning again after monitoring a 
specific channel, press SCAN.

Note: You must store frequencies into channels before the scanner can scan
      them.  The scanner does not scan empty channels.

The scanner scans through all channels (except those you have locked out) 
in the active banks (see "Turning Channel-Storage Banks Off and On" and 
"Locking Out Channels or Frequencies" in Faxback Doc. # 61682).

Turning Channel-Storage Banks Off and On

To turn off banks while scanning, press the bank's number key until the 
bank's number disappears.  The scanner does not scan any of the channels 
within the banks you have turned off.

Notes: You cannot turn off all banks.  There must be at least one active 

       You can manually select any channel in a bank, even if the bank is 
       turned off.

To turn on banks while scanning, press the number key until the bank's
number appears.

Manually Tuning a Frequency

1.  Press TUNE.

2.  Use the number keys to enter the frequency. 

3.  Press ENTER.

4.  Press /\ to move up one tuning step.  Press \/ to move down one tuning
    step.  To move up or down in 1 MHz increments, press FUNC then /\ or
    \/ for each increment.

    To save the frequency into a channel (bank 9 only), press FUNC then
    ENTER.  Stored @ 9xx appears (xx is the channel number).

When the scanner stops on a frequency while searching, press FUNC then 
press TUNE.

Notes: You cannot change the step frequency while tuning.

       You can change the receiving mode while tuning.

Deleting Frequencies From Channels

1.  Press MANUAL.

2.  Use the number keys to enter the channel with the frequency you want
    to delete.

3.  Press MANUAL again.

4.  Press PGM to enter the program mode.  M changes to P.

5.  Press FUNC.

6.  Press CL.  The frequency number changes and 0.0000 MHz appears.

Listening To The Weather Band

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has allocated channels for use 
by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  Regulatory 
agencies in other countries have also allocated channels for use by their 
weather reporting authorities. 

NOAA and your local weather reporting authority broadcast your local 
forecast and regional weather information on one or more of these channels

Listening to a Weather Channel

To hear your local forecast and regional weather information, press WX.
Your scanner scans through the weather band then stops within a few 
seconds on the strongest weather broadcast.

Displaying Weather Messages

The weather service precedes each weather alert with a digitally-coded
SAME signal, then a 1050 Hz tone.  You can set the scanner so, if you are
monitoring a weather channel with a digitally-encoded SAME signal when an 
alert is broadcast, the scanner will decode and display the SAME message, 
showing the type of alert being broadcast (or Unknown Message if it does 
not recognize the event code).

To set the scanner to decode and display SAME messages, press FUNC then WX 
while you listen to the weather channel.  SAME Standby and Cancel : F+WX 

To set the scanner out of the SAME standby mode, press FUNC then WX again.  
SAME Standby disappears.

Notes: The scanner does not display the actual location referenced by SAME
       messages.  It uses only the message portion of the SAME signal.

       Your scanner can also receive weather alert tones (see "Priority"
       on Faxback Doc. # 61682).

(GLW EB 9/8/00)

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