PRO-92 Handheld Scanner
(200-0522A)                Troubleshooting            Faxback Doc. # 61685

If you have problems with your scanner, here are some suggestions that 
might help you eliminate the problem. If they do not, take your scanner to 
your local RadioShack store for assistance.

Problem           Possible Cause            Remedy

Scanner is on     SQUELCH is not            Turn SQUELCH clockwise.  See
but will not      adjusted correctly.       "Turning on the Scanner and
scan.                                       Setting Squelch" in Faxback
                                            Doc. # 61681.

Poor or no        An antenna is not         Make sure an antenna is
reception.        connected or connected    connected to the scanner.

                  Programmed frequencies    Avoid programming birdie
                  are the same as birdie    frequencies or only select
                  frequencies.              them manually.  See "Birdie 
                                            Frequencies" in Faxback Doc.
                                            # 61684.

In the scan       Stored frequencies are    Avoid storing birdie
Mode, the         the same as "birdie"      frequencies or only select
scanner locks     frequencies.              them manually.  See "Birdie
on frequencies                              Frequencies" in Faxback Doc.
that have an                                # 61684.

Scanner is        No power.                 Check the batteries or make
totally                                     sure the AC adapter or DC
inoperative.                                adapter is connected properly.
                                            Recharge the rechargeable 
                                            batteries or replace the non
                                            rechargeable batteries.

                  The AC adapter or DC      Be sure the adapter's barrel
                  adapter is not conn-      plug is fully plugged into the
                  ected.                    PWR DC 9V jack.

                  The batteries may be      Make sure the batteries are
                  improperly installed.     properly installed according
                                            to polarity markings on the 
                                            battery holder.

Keypad does       Keylock is turned on.     Turn off keylock.
not work.

Keys do not       Undetermined error.       Turn the scanner off then on
work or display                             again, or reset the scanner.
changes.                                    See "Resetting/Initializing 
                                            the Scanner" below.

Resetting/Initializing The Scanner

If the scanner's display locks up or does not work properly after you 
connect a power source, you might need to reset or initialize it.

IMPORTANT: If you have problems with the scanner, first try to reset it 
           to retain all memory.  If that does not work, you can 
           initialize the scanner; however, initializing clears all 
           information stored in the scanner's memory.

Resetting the Scanner

1.  Turn off the scanner, then turn it on again.

2.  Insert a pointed object, such as a straightened paper clip, into the 
    reset opening on the side of the scanner.  Then gently press and 
    release the reset button inside the opening and the backlight lights.

Note: Pressing RESET does not clear the scanner's memory.

Initializing the Scanner

IMPORTANT: This procedure clears all information you stored in the 
           scanner's memory.  Initialize the scanner only when you are 
           sure the scanner is not working properly.

1.  Turn off the scanner, then turn it on again, Welcome To Multi-System
    Trunking appears. 

2.  Press 0 then 1 while Welcome To Multi-System Trunking appears.
    Initializing Please Wait. appears for about 25 seconds.

    Note: Do not turn off the scanner until the initialization is complete
          and Welcome To Multi-System Trunking appears again.

(GLW EB 9/6/00)

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