Pro-89 Tutorial: How to Program a Direct Search

This is a tutorial for using a direct search. In a direct search, the scanner searches up or down, starting from a frequency or channel that you specify. In this example, we are searching up from 151.0000 MHz with the scanner.

For additional information on this product, see the links below:

Step 1: Put the Scanner in Manual Mode

Pro-89 3ch 000.0000 MAN L/O

Pro-89 Keypad - MAN, Number Keys
Put the scanner in manual mode, where MAN is on the bottom of the display with the bank line, a channel number, and CH also displayed as above.  To do this, you may need to press the MAN key.
Step 2: Enter the Starting Frequency or Channel
Pro-89 1ch 151.0000 MAN Pro-89 Keypad - MAN, Number Keys
Press MAN, then use the number keys to enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to use as a starting point for the search (in this case, we started on channel 1 and entered 151.0000).

Note: To start from a frequency already stored in one of your scanner's channels, press MAN, enter the desired channel number using the number keys, then press MAN again.

Click here to go to our on-line Guide to Frequencies in the Scanner Basics document.
Step 3: Select Search Direction and Adjust Search
Pro-89 SRCH /\ (up) -d- 151.0000 Pro-89 Keypad - UP arrow, DOWN arrow
Hold down /\ or \/ for about 1 second (then release) to search up or down. -d-, SRCH, and /\ or \/ appear.  In the example above, we held down /\ to search up from 151.0000 (note the arrow indicating search direction is up).


  • To reverse the search direction at any time, hold down /\ or \/ for about 1 second (then release).
  • To search up or down the selected band in small increments (5 or 12.5 kHz steps), repeatedly press /\ or \/.
  • To pause the search, press and release (do not hold) /\\ or \/.
  • To resume searching, hold down /\ or \/ or about 1 second (then release).
  • To quickly move up or down through the frequencies, press and hold down /\ or \/. The scanner tunes through the frequencies until you release /\ or \/.
Step 5: Store Frequencies in the Lowest Available Channel
Pro-89 SRCH /\ (up) 4ch 151.0000 PGM Pro-89 Keypad - PGM, ENT
When the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops searching and displays the frequency's number. To store the displayed frequency in the lowest available channel, press PGM while the frequency is displayed.  After the display changes as above, press ENT.

Normally, the channel and frequency flash twice, and the scanner stores the displayed frequency. Then, the scanner returns to search mode (as in Step 3) and continues to search for frequencies.

If there are no available channels, Ch- FULL appears on the screen (see the next step).

Step 5: If Ch- FULL Appears on the Display...
Pro-89 Ch- FULL Pro-89 Keypad - UP arrow, DOWN arrow
Ch-FULL appears on the display when you try to store a frequency in the lowest available channel and there is no empty channel.
  • To store additional frequencies, you must either clear some channels or store the frequency in a specific channel.
  • To continue searching after Ch-FULL appears, hold down /\ or \/.
  • To remain on the frequency after Ch-FULL appears, press MON/CL. Ch-FULL disappears.
Step 6: Store Frequencies in a Specific Channel
Pro-89 SRCH /\ (up) 4ch 151.0000 PGM Pro-89 Keypad - PGM, Number pad
To store the displayed frequency in a specific channel, press PGM while the frequency is displayed. The display changes as above and the channel number (4, in this case) and CH flash.

Use the number keys to enter the channel number you want to use to store the frequency, then press PGM again. If the channel number is empty, the new channel number flashes and the frequency you are saving.

If the channel is not empty, the channel number and the currently-stored frequency appear for about 2 seconds.  See Step 7 (next).

If -dUPL- appears, you have entered a duplicate frequency. See Step 8.

Step 7: If the Specific Channel is Not Empty...
Pro-89 SRCH /\ (up) 4ch 151.0000 PGM Pro-89 Keypad - MON/CL, ENT
If a channel number you entered is already programmed with a frequency, the channel number and the programmed frequency appear for about 2 seconds. Then the channel number flashes and the new frequency appears.

Press ENT to program the new frequency, or press CL/MON to cancel.

If you press ENT, the channel and frequency flash twice and the scanner stores the displayed frequency. The scanner returns to the display format in Step 3, then continues to search for frequencies.

If you press CL/MON, the scanner returns to the display format in Step 3 and continues to search for frequencies

Step 8: If -dUPL- Appears on the Display...
Pro-89 SRCH 3ch -dUPL- PGM Pro-89 Keypad - MON/CL, ENT
When you try to store a frequency that is already stored in another channel, -dUPL- (duplicate) and the lowest-numbered channel containing the duplicate frequency flash on the display for about 3 seconds. Then the lowest-available channel number and frequency flashes.
  • If you want to store the frequency anyway, press ENT again. The channel number and frequency flash twice, then the scanner returns to the main search display (see Step 3).
  • If you do not want to store the frequency, press MON/CL. The scanner returns to the main search display (see Step 3).
Step 9: Store the Frequency in a Monitor Memory
Pro-89 M SRCH 3ch 151.0150 Pro-89 Keypad - MON/CL
To store the displayed frequency in a monitor memory, press MON/CL. [M], the monitor memory number, and the frequency flash twice.
Step 10: Search for Another Active Frequency
Pro-89 SRCH /\ (up) -d- 151.0000 Pro-89 Keypad - UP arrow, DOWN arrow
To search for another active frequency, press and hold down /\ or \/ for about 1 second. The search direction indicator appears on the left side of the display.

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