PRO-93 (200-0523) and PRO-95 (200-0525) Tutorial: Range Search

The only difference between the PRO-93 and the PRO-95, is the number of channels each has; the PRO-93 having 300 channels and the PRO-95 having 1000. The method of programming for each is the same.

This tutorial is for searching frequency ranges. You can select a low-end and high-end frequency and search in between the two.

For additional information on these products, see the links below:


Step 1: Select the Search Range
Pro93/95 SR5 z 25 Limit Search PRO93/95 keypad
Press SEARCH until SR5 is displayed.
Step 2: Enter Programming Mode
Pro93/95 PSR 25 1300 LimitSearch PRO93/95 keypad
Press PGM then SEARCHPSR (Program Search) appears in the top line and the cursor blinks L on the second line. This indicates that it is ready to enter the low-end frequency.
Step 3: Enter the Low-end Frequency
Pro93/95 PSR 25 1300 LimitSearch PRO93/95 keypad
Enter the desired low-end frequency with the number keys and use ./DELAY to enter the decimal point. In this example, we use 25.00000.
Step 4: Set the Frequency
Pro93/95 PSR 25 1300 LimitSearch PRO93/95 keypad
Press ENTER to set the frequency. The cursor moves to H.

Note:  If the entered frequency is incorrect, Invalid Freq will briefly display. Start again from Step 3 of this tutorial.

Step 5: Enter the High-end Frequency
Pro93/95 PSR 25 29 LimitSearch PRO93/95 keypad
Enter the desired high-end frequency with the number keys and use ./DELAY to enter the decimal point. Press ENTER. In this example we use 29.00000
Step 6: Scan the Frequencies
Pro93/95 PSR 25 29 LimitSearch
Pro93/95: Squelch knob
Turn the SQUELCH knob clockwise and leave it set to a point just after the hissing sound stops.
Step 7: Search the Frequencies
Pro93/95 PSR D AM z 250150 PRO93/95 keypad
Press SEARCH to start searching. When the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops searching.  Our example shows 25.01500 as the active frequency.
Step 8: Exit Frequency Search
Pro93/95 M000 000000 Bank0 ch0 PRO93/95 keypad
Press MANUAL to exit out of frequency search.
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