Pro-2052: How to Store Service Banks Frequencies

In this tutorial you will be shown how to search through a service bank and how to store service bank frequencies into channels. You can search for public service, police, fire/emergency, aircraft, and weather transmissions even if you do not know the specific frequencies that are used in your area. You can also store any of the frequencies you find into channels.

Your scanner has the following preprogrammed service banks:

This tutorial uses two sub-tutorials:

For additional information on this product, see the links below:

Select a Service Bank

Step 1: Search Service Banks

Pro-2052 pub, pol, fire/emg, air, wx, 33.020 search

Pro-2052 keypad/svc

To select a service bank, press SVC. A black box will appear above the service bank's name and one of the preset public service frequencies appear on the display. After a 2-second delay, scanning begins in the selected bank. 
Step 2: Select More Service Banks
Pro-2052 pub, pol, etc..., 1ch 162.400 search Pro-2052 keypad/svc
To select another service bank, repeatedly press SVC until the black box appears above the name of the bank you want to use.

Note: Because frequencies are not always assigned to the same services everywhere, you might hear transmissions from one service in another service bank.

Step 3: Search the Selected Service Bank
Pro-2052 pub, pol, etc...,  1ch 162550 search Pro-2052 keypad/search
Press SEARCH to start searching immediately or to continue searching if you want to skip a frequency.
Step 4: Pause Search
Pro-2052 pub, pol, etc..., 1ch 162.550 hold search Pro-2052 keypad/hold
During a service-search, you can press HOLD to pause the searching. HOLD appears on the display.
Step 5: Move Through Frequencies One at a Time
Pro-2052 pub, pol, etc..., 1ch 163.250 hold search Pro-2052 keypad/up & down
Press the UP or DOWN arrow keys to move up or down one frequency at a time.
Step 6: Search Additional Frequencies
Pro-2052 pub, pol, etc..., 1ch 162.400 search Pro-2052 keypad/search
Press SEARCH to resume searching.

Store Service Bank Frequencies into Channels

Step 1: Initiate Manual Mode

Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 866.1625 manual

Pro-2052 keypad/manual

Press MANUAL. MANUAL appears on the display.
Step 2: Select a Channel Number
Pro-2052 Bank1 ch1 4 manual Pro-2052 numberpad
Press the number keys to enter the channel number (1-1000) where you want to store the frequency, then press MANUAL. The example above shows the channel 4.
Step 3: Store the Channel Number
Pro-2052 Bank1 4ch 000.000 manual Pro-2052 keypad/manual
Press MANUAL. The selected channel number will appear on the display.
Step 4: Select the Service Bank
Pro-2052 pub,pol,etc..., 33.020 search Pro-2052 keypad/svc
Press the SVC button to select a service bank.
Step 5: Search the Service Bank Frequencies
Pro-2052 pub,pol,etc..., 4ch 163.250 search Pro-2052 keypad/search
Press SEARCH to begin searching the frequencies
Step 6: Pause Search
Pro-2052 pub,pol,etc... 1ch 163.250 hold search Pro-2052 keypad/hold
When the scanner stops on a  transmission, press HOLD.
Step 7: Store the Service Bank Frequency
Pro-2052 Bank1 4ch 163.250 manual Pro-2052 E
Press E to store the frequency into the channel.

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