Pro-2052: Lock out Channels/Frequencies

In this tutorial, you will be shown how to lock out channels and lock out frequencies. You can scan existing channels or search frequencies faster by locking out channels or frequencies that have a continuous transmission, such as a weather channel.

This tutorial contains two sub-tutorials:

For additional information on this product, see the links below:

Lock Out Channels

Step 1: Select the Channel to Lock Out

Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 163.250 scan

Pro-2052 keypad/L/O

To lock out a channel while scanning, press L/O when the scanner stops on the channel.
Step 2: Select the Channel Number
Pro-2025 Bank1 ch1 3 manual Pro-2052 numberpad
To lock out a channel manually, select the channel number. The display above shows channel 3 was pressed.
Step 3: Initiate Lock Out
Pro-2052 Bank1 3ch 114.2875 manual L/O Pro-2052 keypad/L/O
Press L/O after a channel has been selected. L/O appears on the display below the frequency.

Note: You can still manually select locked-out channels.

Step 4: Select a Channel to Remove Lock Out
Pro-2025 Bank1 ch1 3 manual Pro-2052 numberpad
To remove the lockout from a channel, select the channel number again.
Step 5: Remove Lock Out
Pro-2052-bank1-3ch-1142875-manual-.jpg (15193 bytes) Pro-2052 keypad/L/O
After the channel has been selected, press L/O until L/O disappears from the display.
Step 6: Remove Lock Out From All Channels
Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 162.550 manual Pro-2052 keypad/manual & L/O
To remove the lockout from all channels in the channel-storage banks that are turned on, press MANUAL to stop scanning, then hold down L/O until the scanner beeps twice. L/O will appear on the display briefly.

Go to Step 6 in Locking out Frequencies to exit programming mode.

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Lock Out Frequencies

Step 1: Select a Frequency for Lock Out

Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 866.3375 search

Pro-2052 keypad/L/O

To lock out a frequency during a Limit Search or Service Bank Search, press L/O when the scanner stops on the frequency. The scanner locks out the frequency, then continues searching.
Step 2: Search a Frequency for Lock Out
Pro-2052-bank1-1ch-8668875-hold-search-n.jpg (12954 bytes) Pro-2052 keypad/up & down
Press the UP or DOWN arrow keys during Limit Search or service bank search. HOLD appears on the display and the scanner stops searching. Continually press the UP or DOWN arrow keys until you find the frequency you want to lock out.
Step 3: Initiate Lock Out
Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 867.5375 hold L/O search Pro-2052 keypad/search & L/O
Press L/O until L/O appears on the display. Press SEARCH to continue searching.


  • The scanner does not display locked-out frequencies during a search.
  • L/O appears when you select a locked-out frequency.
  • You can lock out up to 50 frequencies during a Limit Search and 20 during a Service Bank Search. If you try to lock out more frequencies, the first locked-out frequency is automatically unlocked.
Step 4: Remove Lock Out for a Single Frequency
Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 867.6875 hold L/O search Pro-2052 keypad/up & down search L/O
To remove the lock out from a single frequency, press the UP or DOWN arrow keys during search. This will stop the search. Continually press the UP or DOWN arrow keys until you find the frequency that is locked out. Press the L/O key. L/O disappears from the display. Press SEARCH to continue searching.
Step 5: Remove Lock Out for All Frequencies
Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 866.275 hold  search Pro-2052 keypad/hold & L/O
To remove the lock out from all frequencies, while searching, press HOLD then hold down L/O until the scanner beeps twice.
Step 6: Exit Programming Mode
Pro-2052 Bank1 1ch 162.550 manual Pro-2052 keypad/manual
Press MANUAL to exit programming mode.
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