All-Band Roof Antenna  (200-0014)    Installation       Faxback Doc. # 7164

Do's and Don'ts for This Antenna

If you're not sure about careful, safe installation-don't try to do it
yourself.  Call for professional help (Yellow Pages under Television
Antenna Systems or call your local power company).

Do not mount this Antenna on a Tower or on a mast assembly over 30 feet
long.  Such antenna installations should be done only by professional

Measure the maximum length of the antenna and mast assembly and then stay
at least twice that distance from all power lines.  (If you don't have at
least that much space, get a professional to do the job.)

For mast support, use only 1 1/4" antenna mast sections.  Lengths over 10
feet should be guyed at least each 10 foot section.

If you use plumbers-type water pipe (1-1/4" metal) for masting - use no
more than a 10 foot length.  Longer lengths or multiple lengths are not to
be used due to excessive weight and difficulty of attaching guy wires.


            TRIPOD - Use a 3 or 5 foot Tripod bolted securely to a roof or
                     other sturdy mounting surface.  For safety, use no
                     more than a 1-foot mast assembly.  No guy wires are

EAVE or WALL MOUNT - Use heavy-duty brackets, securely attached to solid
                     wood or masonry.  Mounting surface and bolts must be
                     able to withstand the full weight of the antenna
                     assembly, including flexing and pressure caused by
                     wind.  For safety, use no more than a 10 foot mast
                     assembly.  No guy wires are required.


     CHIMNEY MOUNT - Use heavy-duty Chimney Mounts, Straps or Brackets
                     securely attached to the chimney or a solid wall.
                     For safety, use no more than a 10-foot mast assembly.

        GUYED MAST - Use Radio Shack's Heavy Duty 19', 27-1/2' or 36'
                     Telescoping Antenna Mast.  Guy wires should be in at
                     least three directions - 1/3rd of a circle for each.
                     Use at least three guy wires for each 10 foot section
                     of the mast.


Where you locate your antenna can be decided by many factors.  HOWEVER,

We recommend that you make sure your antenna will be at least twice as far
to the nearest power line as the maximum length (or total height) of the
antenna system.  Thus, if your antenna and mast is 15 feet long - the
closest power line should be at least 30 feet away.

If you are up on the roof - the same rule of thumb applies.  This way you
know that even if the antenna begins to fall (or is blown over) there is
no chance it will touch the power lines.

To be sure you have adequate distance, assemble the antenna on the ground.
Use a yard-stick or tape measure and measure the longest element of the
antenna (total length from tip to tip).  Then measure the length of the
mast.  Add these two measurements together and then double the total.
This is the absolute minimum distance you must be from any power line.


Before doing any assembly, read all the information.

This is a three-element, all band monitor antenna.  Its three vertical
elements provide for VHF Lo, VHF Hi, UHF Lo and UHF Hi monitoring.  It has
an overall height of 70" (1.7 m).  It has a ground plane diameter of
approximately 13' (4m).  Keep these dimensions in mind when choosing a
mounting location.

Your antenna package includes the following parts.

    Item   Description                   Qty.      Part Number

    1      Tube & Connector Assembly     1         5-0325-1

    2      Tube, Short Thin              1         7-1001-1

    3      Tube, Medium Length           1         7-1002-1

    4      Tube, Long Thin               3         7-1846-1

    5      Tube, Long                    3         7-1152-1

    6      Tube, Short                   1         7-1003-1

    7      Insulating Strap              3        10-0851-1

    8      Base Bracket                  1        10-4153-1

    9      Radial Clamp                  1        10-4645-1

    10     Shorting Strap                1        10-4648-1

    11     Nut, Extra-Large              1        15-5003-1

    12     Nut, Large                    3        15-5012-1

    13     Nut, Small                    9        15-5067-1

    14     Nut, Large                    2        15-5162-1

    15     Bolt, Large                   3        15-6037-1

    16     U-Bolt                        1        15-6042-2

    17     Screw, Small                  4        15-6086-2

    18     Bolt, Medium                  6        15-6286-1

    19     Bolt, Long                    3        15-6404-1

    20     Lockwasher, Extra-Large       1        15-7002-1

    21     Lockwasher, Small             13       15-7085-1

    22     Lockwasher, Large             3        15-7152-1

    23     Lockwasher, Large (Split)     2        15-7107-1

    24     Caplug, Large                 2        15-8041-0

    25     Caplug, Small                 4        15-8250-1

Read through the instructions and organize the parts for easy assembly.

1.  Select the Tube and Connector Assembly.  (Item 1).  Note the three
    holes near the connector  The top hole is for drainage; the lower hole
    is used later on.

2.  Select three Insulating Straps (Item 7).  Note that one end is
    slightly larger than the other.  Slip the larger end of the straps
    over the end of the Tube and Connector Assembly.  (Item 1).

3.  Select the Short Thin Tube. (Item 2). Slip the drilled end of Item 2
    into the end of item 1.  Fasten in place with one small Lockwasher
    (Item 21) and one small Screw (Item 17).  Place a small Caplug
    (Item 25) on the end of item 2.

4.  Select the Shorting Strap (Item 10).  Fasten to Item 1 with a long
    bolt (Item 19), a small Lockwasher (Item 21) and a small Nut
    (Item 13).

5.  Select the Short Tube (Item 6).  Fasten to Item 10 with a long Bolt
    (Item 19), a small Lockwasher (Item 21) and a small Nut (Item 13).

6.  Slip one end of the lowest Insulating Strap (Item 7) over the top of
    Item 6.  Fasten each end of Item 7 with a medium Bolt (Item 18),
    a small Lockwasher (Item 21) and a small Nut (Item 13).  Place a large
    Caplug (Item 24) on the top of Item 6.

7.  Select the Medium "Length Tube (Item 3).  Fasten to the Shorting Strap
    (Item 10) as in Step 5.

8.  Slip two Insulating Straps (Item 7) over Item 3.  Position one Strap
    at the center of Item 3 and the other near the top.  Fasten as in
    Step 5.  Place a large Caplug (Item 24) on the top of Item 3.

9.  Select three Long Tubes (Item 5) and three Long Thin Tubes (Item 4).
    Slip Item 4 into the end of Item 5 that has a small hole in one side
    only.  Fasten with one small Lockwasher (Item 21) and one small Screw
    (Item 17).  Place a small Caplug (Item 25 on the end of each Item 4.

10. Select the Base Bracket (Item 8) and the Redial Clamp (Item 9).
    Place a Tube Assembly (Step 9) between Item 8 and 9 as shown in
    Figure 4.  Align all holes and fasten with a large Bolt (Item 15), a
    large Lockwasher (Item 23) and a large Nut (Item 12).

11. Repeat step 10 for each Tube Assembly.

12. Slip the threaded end of Item 1 through the large holes in Items 8 and
    9.  Fasten securely with an extra-large Lockwasher (Item 20) and an
    extra-large Nut (Item 11).

13. Slip the U-Bolt (Item 16) through the holes in the base Bracket
    (Item  8).  Place a large Lockwasher (Item 23)
    and a large Nut (Item 14) on each leg of the U-Bolt.

14.  Slide the Antenna onto the Mast (not supplied) and tighten the Nuts
     on the U-Bolt.

     Note:  The top of the Mast must not exceed the top of the Base
            Bracket (Item 8).

15.  Attach a Coax Cable (not supplied) to your Antenna and tune your
     Receiver to the band you most frequently monitor.  Rotate the antenna
     for best reception.

16.  Tighten all nuts, bolts and screws securely.

Coax Cable

We recommend RG-58/U or RG-8/U type coaxial cable for this antenna.  For
runs over 50 ft. (15m) use RG-8/U because of its lower line losses.  You
should have a connector on each end of your cable.  A PL-259 connector for
your antenna and a Motorola plug for your monitor.

If your coax cable does not have a PL-259 connector on it, here are some
tips on how to install it:

1.  Place the threaded shell of the connector on the cable.

2.  Carefully remove 1" (2.5 cm) of outer cable insulation.

3.  Separate the braided wire from the inner insulation or twist it to
    form a smooth, pointed tip.

4.  Remove 1/2" (1.3 cm) of inner insulation from the center wire.

5.  Carefully insert both the center wire and the braided wire into the
    connector.  Guide the wires so that the braided wire exits at a hole
    in the side of the connector and the center wire exits from the pin.

6.  Solder the center pin to the wire and the inside shroud to the braided
    wire.  Then trim any excess wire.

7.  Screw the threaded shell onto the connector.

Grounding Your Antenna

To protect your house and your receiver, installation of your antenna
system must be properly grounded will also aid in reducing static-induced
RF noise.

To ground the system, drive a 4 to 8 foot (1.2-2.4m) Ground Rod into the
ground as close as possible to the antenna supporting structure or antenna
base.  Then connect a #3 (or larger) copper or aluminum wire between the
base of the Antenna and the Ground Rod.  Ground Rods, ground wire and
clamps are all available from your Radio Shack store.


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