PRO-41  (200-0301)             Preparation              Faxback Doc. # 7312


You can power the scanner from any of the following three sources:

  Internal batteries

  A standard AC outlet (using an optional AC adapter)

  The vehicle's battery (using an optional DC adapter)

Using Batteries

You can operate the scanner from five AA batteries.  For longest
operation and best performance, we recommend alkaline batteries (Radio
Shack Cat. No. 23-552).  Or, you can use rechargeable nickel-cadmium
batteries (Cat. No. 23-125).

Warning:  The scanner has a built-in circuit that lets you recharge
          nickel-cadmium batteries inside the scanner.  However, you
          must never use this circuit when you have installed non-
          rechargeable batteries in the scanner.  Be sure to set the
          switch in the battery compartment to the correct position for
          the type of batteries you install.

1.  Remove the battery compartment cover by pressing down on the arrow and
    sliding the cover in the direction of the arrow.

2.  Remove the battery holder from the compartment and remove any old
    batteries.  Then, install five AA batteries, observing the polarity
    (+ and -) marked on the battery holder.

3.  Set the switch in the battery compartment to the correct position for
    the type of batteries you install.  Set the switch to REG ALK BATT if
    you install regular or alkaline type batteries.  Set the switch to
    NI-CAD BATT if you install nickel-cadmium type batteries.

Caution:  Never set this switch to NICAD BATT when you install non-
          rechargeable batteries.  If you attempt to recharge non-
          rechargeable batteries, they become very hot and might damage
          the scanner or even explode.

4.  Place the battery holder in the compartment so that the holder's metal
    contacts line up with the metal contacts in the battery compartment.

5.  Replace the battery compartment cover.

    The scanner beeps every 15 to 30 seconds when the batteries are low.
    When this happens, immediately replace or recharge all five batteries.

Using an AC Power Source

To power the scanner from AC power, you need Radio Shack's AC adapter
(Cat. No. 273-1652).  Use of another adapter could damage the scanner or
the adapter.

1.  Be sure that you have set the switch in the battery compartment to the
    correct position.  (See "Installing or Replacing Batteries.")

2.  Connect the adapter's green barrel plug to the adapter's cord and set
    the barrel plug's tip polarity to positive.

3.  Insert the adapter's plug into the scanner's EXT PWR jack.

4.  Insert the adapter power module into a standard AC outlet.  This
    provides power to operate the scanner.  Also, if you have installed
    rechargeable batteries and set the switch in the battery compartment
    to NI-CAD BATT, the adapter charges the batteries in the scanner.

5.  When you finish using the AC adapter, disconnect it from the AC
    outlet.  Then, disconnect it from the EXT PWR jack.

Using A DC Adapter

You can power the scanner from the vehicle's cigarette lighter socket,
provided the vehicle has a 12-volt negative-ground electrical system.  To
do so, you need Radio Shack's Power Cord Set (Cat. No. 270-1533).

Note:  In some areas, mobile use of a scanner is unlawful or requires a
       permit.  Check the laws in your area.

1.  Ensure that you have set the switch in the battery compartment to the
    correct position.  (See "Installing or Replacing Batteries.")

2.  Plug the adapter's plug into the scanner's EXT PWR jack.

3.  Insert the other end of the adapter into the vehicle's cigarette
    lighter socket.  This provides power to the scanner.  Also, if you
    have installed rechargeable batteries and set the switch in the
    battery compartment to NI-CAD BATT, the adapter charges the batteries
    in the scanner.

4.  When you finish using the DC adapter, disconnect it from the cigarette
    lighter socket.  Then, disconnect it from the scanner.

Note:  Do not let the adapter's plug touch any part of the vehicle while
       the adapter is plugged into the cigarette lighter socket.  Doing so
       could blow a fuse or damage the adapter.


The scanner has a built-in circuit that recharges nickel cadmium
batteries.  To charge the batteries, set the switch in the battery
compartment to NI-CAD BATT, install the batteries in the scanner, and
connect an external power adapter to the scanner, as explained in "Power

Caution:  Do not connect either adapter to the EXT PWR jack if you have
          not installed rechargeable batteries, and are unsure of the
          position of the switch in the battery compartment, or know that
          the switch is set to NI-CAD BATT.  Non-rechargeable batteries
          can become hot and even explode if you try to recharge them.

          It takes 10 to 18 hours to recharge batteries that are fully
          discharged.  You can operate the scanner while recharging
          nickel-cadmium batteries, but the charging time is longer.

Charging Hints:  Nickel-cadmium batteries deliver more power if you
                 occasionally let them discharge completely.  To do this,
                 use the scanner until reception becomes poor.  Then,
                 fully charge the batteries.  If you do not do this
                 occasionally, they can temporarily lose the ability to
                 deliver full power.

                 To prevent permanent nickel-cadmium battery power loss,
                 never charge your batteries in an area where the
                 temperature is above about 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  Also,
                 if you use an external charger, do not overcharge the

                 If you plan to use rechargeable batteries, do not use any
                 adapter other than those specified in "Power Sources."
                 While adapters of the same voltage rating and at least
                 the minimum current rating could power the scanner,
                 other adapters might not work properly with the charging
                 circuit in the scanner, and could permanently damage the
                 batteries or the scanner.

                 The first time you use a set of nickel-cadmium batteries,
                 charge them at least 24 hours to bring them to a full


Attach the flexible antenna to the antenna jack on top of the scanner.
Slip the slot in the antenna's connector over the protrusion on the jack.
Then, press down and rotate the base of the antenna until it locks into

The scanner's antenna jack makes it easy to use the scanner with a variety
of antennas.  You can remove the supplied antenna and attach a different
one, such as an external mobile antenna, telescopic antenna, or outdoor
base antenna.  Radio Shack stores sell the antenna connector adapters that
let you use these antennas.

Use coaxial cable to connect an outdoor antenna.  Always use 50-ohm
coaxial cable.  For lengths over 50 feet, use RG8 low-loss dielectric
coaxial cable.

Warning:  When installing or removing an outdoor antenna, use extreme
          caution.  If the antenna starts to fall, let it go!  It could
          contact overhead power lines.  If the antenna touches the power
          line, contact with the antenna, mast, cable, or guy wires can
          cause electrocution and death!  Call the power company to remove
          the antenna.  Do not attempt to do so yourself.


You can connect the supplied belt clip to the scanner to make it easier to
use the scanner when you are on the go.  Connect the clip to the scanner
with the two provided screws.


Follow these steps to use the earphone for private listening:

1.  Turn the volume control to its minimum position.

2.  Plug an earphone into the EAR jack on top of the scanner.  This
    automatically disconnects the speaker.  We recommend Radio Shack's
    earphone Cat. No. 33-175.  In a noisy environment, mono headphones
    (Cat. No. 20-210) make listening easier.

3.  Adjust the volume to a comfortable level.

Warning:  Do not listen at extremely high volume levels, especially when
          using an earphone.  Extended high-volume listening can lead to
          permanent hearing loss.


In a noisy area, an extension speaker positioned in the right place, might
provide more comfortable listening.  Plug the speaker cable's 1/8-inch
mini-plug into the scanner's EAR jack.


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