PRO-41  (200-0301)             Features                 Faxback Doc. # 8553


The PRO-41 Programmable Scanner lets you hear all the action.  This
scanner lets you access over 20,000 frequencies that include the police
department, fire department, ambulance service, amateur radio, and
transportation services.  You can store frequencies in the scanner's
10 channels and you can change your selections at any time.

The secret to the scanner's ability to scan so many frequencies is its
custom-designed microprocessor - a tiny, built-in computer.  The scanner's
microprocessor also gives the scanner these features:

       Liquid-Crystal Display - shows the selected channel and frequency.

Automatic 3-Second Scan Delay - helps keep you from missing replies on a
                                channel while you are scanning.

                Memory Backup - keeps the channel frequencies stored in
                                the scanner's memory for up to 30 minutes
                                without the batteries.

            Low Battery Alarm - lets you know when the batteries get low.

The PRO-41 covers all these bands:

  29-50 MHz (VHF Lo)                                  148 -174 MHz(VHF-Hi)
  50-54 MHz (6-Meter Ham Band)                  406-450 MHz (ham radio and
  137-144 MHz (Government)                            450-470 MHz (UHF Lo)
  144-148 MHz (2-Meter Ham Band)                      470-512 MHz (UHF Hi)

The scanner might cause radio or TV interference, even when it is
operating properly.  To determine whether the scanner is causing the
interference, turn off the scanner.  If the interference goes away, the
scanner is causing the interference.  Try to eliminate the interference

  Moving the scanner away from the receiver

  Contacting your local Radio Shack store for help

  If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop
  using the scanner.


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