PRO-93 (200-0523) and PRO-95 (200-0525) Tutorial: How to Program Conventional Frequencies

The only difference between the PRO-93 and the PRO-95, is the number of channels each has; the PRO-93 having 300 channels and the PRO-95 having 1000. The method of programming for each is the same.

This is a tutorial for programming conventional frequencies into your PRO-93 or PRO-95. In the following example, programming will be set to frequency 867.7125 into bank 0, ch 00 with delay set to "on" mode.

For additional information on these products, see the links below:


Step 1: Select the Channel
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
Press MANUAL. Enter the channel number where you want to store a frequency, then press MANUAL again. M and the channel number appear at the upper left corner on the display (for example: M000).
Step 2: Enter Program Mode
  PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
Press PGM. M changes to P on the display.
Step 3: Enter the Frequency
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
Use the number keys and enter the frequency (including the decimal point) you want to store. In this example, we are entering 867.7125.
Click Here for the Police Call Frequency Lists on CD
Step 4: Clear a Mistake
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
If you make a mistake, hold down CL for about 0.5 seconds to delete a single digit and about 1.5 seconds to delete all digits.
Step 5: Store the Frequency
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
Press ENTER to store the frequency into the channel. The blinking cursor disappears.


  • If you made a mistake in Step 3, Invalid Freq. briefly appears and the scanner beeps when you press ENTER. Start again from Step 3.
  • Your scanner automatically rounds the entered frequency to the nearest valid frequency. For example, if you enter a frequency of 151.473, your scanner accepts it as 151.4700.
Step 6: Set the Delay Function
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
To have the scanner pause for 2 seconds on this channel after a transmission before proceeding to the next active transmission press ./DELAY to turn the delay function on or off. When delay is set to on, D will appear towards the top left side of the display. In the example above, the delay is set to off.  The other images in this tutorial show delay on.
Step 7: Program Additional Frequencies
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
Press PGM and then repeat starting with Step 3.
Step 8: Exit Programming Mode
PRO-93/95 display PRO-93/95 keypad
To stop programming, press MANUAL. The scanner returns to manual mode with M### in the top left corner.

Note: The frequency, bank and channel number information will be the last information that you enter.

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