PRO-93 (200-0523) and PRO-95 (200-0525) Tutorial: How to Store Text Tags

The only difference between the PRO-93 and the PRO-95, is the number of channels each has; the PRO-93 having 300 channels and the PRO-95 having 1000. The method of programming for each is the same.

In this tutorial you will be shown how to store text tags. You can customize your scanner by storing text tags (up to 12 characters) for easy identification of channel transmissions, trunk IDs, or banks.

This tutorial contains three sub-tutorials and a chart:

For additional information on these products, see the links below:


Assign a Text Tag to a Channel

Step 1: Enter the Channel Number
PRO93/95 M000 000000 Bank0 ch0 PRO93/95 Keypad: Manual
Press MANUAL repeatedly until the channel number where you want to enter the text displays. M and the bank and channel number displays at the upper left corner. In our example, we selected Channel 01.
Step 2: Enter the Program Mode
PRO93/95 M000 000000 Bank0 ch0 PRO93/95 Keypad: Pgm
Press PGM. The M in the top left corner changes to P.
Step 3: Enter the Text Mode
PRO93/95 P001 866.0875 PRO93/95 Keypad: Text
Press TEXT. A blinking cursor displays on the third line below the frequency line.
Step 4: Enter the Text
PRO93/95 P001 866.0875 HELLO PRO93/95 Keypad: Numberpad
Enter the text using the number keys. (See the "Text Input Chart" at the end of this tutorial.)

NOTE: If you make a mistake, press the UP or DOWN arrow key to move the character you want to change.

For example, to identify amateur (ham) radio transmissions in the 6 meter range, input "HAM 6m" as follows:

  • "H" is the second letter associated with 4 on the keypad. Press 4 then 2.
  • "A" is the first letter associated with 2 on the keypad. Press 2 then 1.
  • "M" is the first letter associated with 6 on the keypad. Press 6 then 1.
  • "Space." Press ./DELAY.
  • "6" is the sixth number associated with 1 on the keypad. Press 1 then 6.
  • "m" is the first letter associated with 6 on the keypad. Press 6 and FUNC (for the lower case set), then press 1.
Step 5: Enter the Text
PRO93/95 P001 866.0875 HELLO PRO93/95 Keypad: Enter
Press ENTER to input the text.
Step 6: Return to Manual Mode
PRO93/95 M000 000000 Bank0 ch0 PRO93/95 Keypad: Manual
When you are finished programming, press MANUAL to exit.


Assign a Text Tag to a Group ID

Step 1: Enter the Programming Mode
PRO93/95 P001 866.0875 Bank0 ch01 PRO93/95 Keypad: Pgm
Press PGM.
Step 2: Enter Trunking Mode
PRO93/95 Bank0 0 IDNo MOT0 2160 PRO93/95 Keypad: Func, Trunk
Press TRUNK. Press FUNC then the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select the desired group ID. In our example we used Bank 0, so we didn't change anything on the screen at this point.  Press TRUNK again.
Step 3: Select the Group
PRO93/95 Bank0 0 IDNo MOT 08496 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press or hold down the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select the desired group ID.
Step 4: Enter Text Mode
PRO93/95 Bank0 0 IDNo 08496 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press TEXT then enter the tag using the keypad.   (See the "Text Input Chart" at the end of this tutorial.)
Step 5: Store the Text
PRO93/95 Bank0 0 IDNo MOT 08496 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press ENTER to store the text.


Assign a Text Tag to a Bank

Step 1: Select a Channel
PRO93/95 M005 000000 Bank0 ch05 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Select a channel within the desired bank by pressing MANUAL and entering the bank number (000 for bank 0 or 200 for bank 2, for example.) Press MANUAL again.
Step 2: Enter Programming Mode
PRO93/95 P005 000000 Bank0 ch05 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press PGM.
Step 3: Enter the Text
PRO93/95 P005 000000 PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press FUNC then 7. The cursor appears at the third line of the display.  Enter the text using the keypad.   (See "Text Input Chart" at the end of this tutorial.)
Step 4: Store the Text
PRO93/95 P005 000000 Bank0 ch05 HELLO PRO-93/95 Keypad
Press ENTER to store the text.
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Text Input Chart



1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 A B C
2 then
a b c 3 D E F
3 then
d e f 4 G H I
4 then
g h i 5 J K L
5 then
j k l 6 M N O
6 then
m n o 7 P Q R S
7 then
p q r s 8 T U V
8 then
t u v 9 W X Y Z
9 then
w x y z 0 . - # _ @ + * & / ,
0 then
$ % ! ^ () ? -> ' <- ./DELAY Space
CL Back Space  


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